Opinions on making the game group members only?

Similar, but more of a group of people and not a department with department heads.

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They gotta add a team of game management people (meaning it is not a Department, it is run by the founders similar to the discord and game moderation team) that scans accounts, that wish to be citizens, to see if they have sufficient assets, badges etc.(alt detector). The current system just simply does not work and NEEDS change.

The current “test” is no more then “if you can read and you understand BASIC U.S. FUNCTIONS, you’re in”

Firestone has a ridiculous amount is rogue state/county employees simply because the standards to join the group and departments are so low.

PLEASE :clap: FIX!


Here me out on this.

People send request to the Fs group

We have people (5-10 active individuals) who checks to see if the account that is pending seems legitimate (they would look for stuff like few badges, or few more stuff inventory) then they simple accept the account into Firestone and can play v2 If a person gets his request denied they can fill out a google form and stuff.


One issue is, groups that have features like this have server start ups

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but the main reason exploiters is going up is because env is away and the anti exploit script is useless. he said he’ll make a new one when he gets back but we don’t know when that’ll be


Making the game group only will do jack shit if it isn’t accompanied by other features. Like I’ve stated in my other forum post outlining this issue; many other roadblocks will be needed for newcomers in order to filter out exploiters and any other alts, trollers, frpers whatever. Group locking V2 is only a piece of the puzzle that will very likely never be added because y’know, fed.


we were begging for paid access for probably at least a year
in my opinion it has helped a ton, but we still have some low lifers who waste all mothers money on robux just to exploit in fs

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If we say, group and then internally rank lock the game, we’d limit it to people who’ve actually gone through the citizenship process, removing a whole goddamn lot of people wanting to fuck up time in the county.

The 25R$ was implemented so that alts can’t easily join, but if we do this method we can cull people from the group easily to limit access, and it removes the need for people to beg for donations.


Even tho I hate some of the decisions fed makes, I have to disagree. With 25 robux paid access I think they only make like 2-5 robux. They make more money when the game is free. When ROBLOX released premium it came with a cool feature for developers. Every-time a player with premium joins and plays a game that game gets premium score which means
robux. I made a shitty game and it got famous, 8 random premium players played for 45 mins and I made like 500 robux that day (I made total of 5,000 robux this month because of this feature by roblox) This is called premium payout and it only works for games that are free to access. Also firestone is a game that requires LEOs, Fire fighters, and Public employees to do logs which means they have to patrol for 30 mins at least and I’m sure that a lot of people in firestone has premium. If fed really wanted money he could’ve just kept it free. When people say Mayflowers dev don’t make money they’re wrong because mayflower makes more money than Firestone. This link explains it better than I do https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/articles/premium-payouts if you say fed just wants money for making v2 paid access you’re quite wrong


I see, thank you for clearing this up for me, didn’t think that’s how ROBLOX payouts worked but it’s good to know now. Thank you Mr. Philip :+1:

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They make about 17 robux. Roblox only takes 30%.

Most other ronation groups have some type of screening for citizenship if the game is locked to citizens. The only possible downside is it can make the process of actually getting in quite laborious. However, in a game with a roleplay focus like Firestone (even if Tourists can join); group membership (not citizenship) should be improved.

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there is no filter to the group, easy as fuck to get citizenship im also suprised ppl have youtube videos on all the correct answers even tho its an easy assessment. ye so that wont change anything from before since its that easy and an undermoderrated acceptance

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who would ever want to do that job


people who don’t want exploiter alts joining, they could also get a pay in game for doing it mayb


This wouldn’t really work unless you made the citizenship process actually hard

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Well like someone said, there could be a team of people who accepts people into the group like they check their background such as inventory, friends, following, etc



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harder, and a mix of questions so that bots aren’t able to figure it out easily

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Yeah, I think it takes 1-2 days to get accepted, and just being accepted, you have to take a citizenship test


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