NG Spy Planes

Greetings, and good day to you if you are reading this,

I think that spy planes should be an accessible source for the National Guard further in development, when we are able to maintain lag more efficiently, I believe this would be a good idea and could be the foundation for new types of investigations. Spy planes would not only be able to get a great view while being in a stealth position, but they could also be able to fire on or defend certain situations from large threats. These air vehicles would be primarily utilized for State of Emergency situations and could be used to transmit data for the Firestone Bureau of Investigations.


  • New Sources & NG Activity
  • Stealth or Quiet Use (Wouldn’t interfere much or distract law enforcement when in use.)
  • More Department Affilation


  • Interfering Lag
  • Division Assembly Required (A bill would need to be made and passed between congress, opinions would differ and it could be discarded easily of the current stage we are in.)
  1. No way this is going to be added but cool idea
  2. It should only be used during a SOE or a crime spree
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Why does NG want to spy on us, civilians? We already got FBI and IO that do that already.

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It’s a cool idea, but creepy. Some citizens are over dramatic and they might be a little freaked out by the planes.


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Support! While you at it… Add NG Nukes! :smiley:

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Probably not going to be added as they are not even adding back FSPs heli and it’s not needed.

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This won’t happen

It’s not needed

I’m still waiting on fucking helmets. Support us on that please.


you’re not even in fng why are you trying to thrust this stupidity onto us


this is a joke right

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an entire spy plane for a single county, seem like a good use of dev times and resources

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Lmao terrible idea made by some kid who has never been in fng,
No support
Signed, Private Officer_182213

A NG Spy Plane is not needed. ASU doesn’t even have a helicopter.

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nice idea but prob not getting added

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Everyone saying it’s a good idea like they think NG has absolutely everything we want or need.

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Cool idea but no


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air national guard!


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make a bomb squad, mememememememme

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Damn it necromancer. Also, bombs are FRP.

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NO! This would be an invasion of privacy and could easily be abused.

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Everything is goddamn FRP to cops.

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