Nerf DHS

Gonna catch flak for this, but DHS has essentially made PDP obsolete. The entire District of Prominence is within their primary area of focus, and there’s at least 8-10 DHS online at any given moment; meaning PDP is always beat out by half a dozen DHS when responding to calls. Additionally, FPS has been given their K9 capabilities back, further making PDP more useless in the District. Though I’m no longer with PDP, I can only imagine how it would feel to be turned into a glorified traffic cop in your own District.

Munis (especially PDP) were never meant to coexist, which is probably why they’re stepping on each other toes.


bro just yapped about how dhs out-does pdp, didn’t even provide a suggestion.

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PDP used to be the only LEA within Prom. Now they have DHS, that is a GOOD THING.

Redwood has RPD, SCSO, and FSP.

Arborfield has APD, and FBI, with easy access from Redwood Agencies.

Prominence had solely PDP, and often got overwhelmed whenever criminals got there because they have to wait a LONG time to get support. DHS being placed in our CAPITOL CITY makes sense, and simply gives them a little bit more support, even though they still have less resources than redwood has.


Clearly DHS is needed, considering Fed swallowed his pride and brought it back? Not to mention DHS has been around since v1, long before municipal agencies… which in all honesty are the ones who aren’t needed.

DHS is already heavily nerfed and regulated by policy for jurisdiction. We absolutely can’t leave government infrastructure unless it’s a specific MA request WITH valid reason OR it’s an empty server with no local law enforcement online.

Let DHS have their moment. The 8-10 officers online daily will reduce in the next few months.


DHS is not responsible for enforcing petty crimes within the city. We aren’t out here tagging along on your traffic stops. It’s not our fault that everyone is following the jurisdiction requirements and remaining near the Capitol.


DHS’s primary focus is the protection of critical government properties- 3 of which are located in prominence; Capitol, Courthouse, and Govs (ill count govs even tho its not DIRECTLY in prominence) and government officials.

I don’t think anybody joined DHS to perform traffic stops or issue parking tickets (muni pd duties) so I doubt they’re intruding on your duties.

I see PDP spamming their distress signals and the DHS whom r sitting at capitol coming to their rescue- something I thought would be appreciated.


Hi there, I’m currently in DHS and formerly in DHS before it was shutdown… I’ll be straight to the point; this agency is already heavily restricted as it is. We can’t go around and do normal law enforcement activities like traffic stops, respond to bank robberies unless under circumstances.

It baffles me how this post is even up since we at DHS want to help you but seems to be that you guys just don’t want our help or better yet want us… most of the time we’re there for you guys and your there for us. We been helping you guys deal with situations that would take a response time from other agencies (since they’re on the other side) a lot longer to get to them.

Anyway enough about that. We’re already heavily restricted too a certain area and can’t do a lot, trust me we don’t need nerfing.


Of course this guy is gonna post something about DHS lol


buff FBI buff DHS, make municipals obsolete


i opened a public forum for discussion

what does this even mean

I completely agree, to nerf DHS we must abolish PPD, to simulate a more challenging environment for our men and women of the DHS.


no buff APD and make us statewide and let us replace DHS, you know its the only way

They should put a federal building in Arbor so they aren’t stuck in Prom majority of their shift lol

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no keep dhs

the only thing i agree from this post is that prior 2022, it was just dhs, fbi, scso and fsp. now theres 4 more leo depts so theres gonna be a lot of overlapping

Shhhh he’s a newgen