My Perspective of the Firestone Judiciary

I’d like you to present a single example in which I’ve presented false information. If you make a statement, I present it as is, no edits and continue to do so for anyone who makes a statement for my show, and I know for a fact you cant point to a single situation to the contrary. I ask a simple, “Do you have any comments regarding what went down at the panel” could potentially present the evidence that only one case has been done to everyone, as I haven’t currently found it. I try to reach out to every single person involved in a situation to give their statements, just some choose to no comment for professional reasons, other choose not to due to personal dislike. Another reason why I wouldn’t ever want you to preside over any case involving me.

And before you say there is no direct personal dislike, the court announcements say the contrary.

I can certainly hear a case with you while having no bias, but I would voluntarily recuse because you are so concerned.

I don’t even remember what I said in the court announcements channel, but apparently it really got under your fingernails. I apologize, as it was most likely a joke. I think you’re indisputably annoying and do a lot of your “exposing cOrRuPtIOn” work as a ploy for attention, but I don’t dislike you personally.

Anyway, I didn’t say you present false information. I said you misconstrue facts. You used a joke Danny made to make it seem like he bribed the Governor for his nomination. You didn’t lie, but you misrepresented.

I literally during that segment acknowledged that it was likely a joke. I referred to MANY other things MANY other concerns to which danny even admitted himself that the segment had almost nothing to do with that joke.

Do I smell another drama here?

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Basically the judiciary today:
Skye influences Jef and Jef influences Danny.



Finally, another long forum post writer!

Our battle will be legendary!

So basically, we’re taking the court to court is what I’m getting here.


That’s definitely not true. We all have independent opinions, and though we discuss them together on occasion, we don’t influence each other.

I’m rude af. That doesn’t make me a bad judge.

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You are a great judge but that attitude just isn’t good to have


That’s a voice of reason that I can get behind.

imagine thinking that the judicial branch is the problem and ignoring all the other shit that goes down on a daily basis in the EB and LB

or are we just surprised the judiciary fucked up for once instead of the other branches- so we’re making a spectacle about it

where’s the form post on the speaker of the house refusing to add bills to the docket and then the house refusing to expel him

or what about the crumbling EB?

god only knows

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There is nothing opinionated about the claims he made.

Here are the facts, which you can check yourself by taking a look at CaseBase, the database of all criminal cases which I put together:

One (1) criminal case has been filed in the last THIRTY days.

A grand total of seven (7) criminal cases were filed in October, Chris’ first full month as Attorney General. This is a complete halt in production following the thirty (30) cases filed in September, my last month as Attorney General.

The Department of Justice is on track to have filed only one single case in November at its current pace (1/24*30=1.25).

There is no way to put an opinionated spin on these facts. The Department of Justice is not producing. All Jef did was call you guys out on it. As a former Attorney General himself, I’m sure he cares about the department and doesn’t like to see it do bad.

Jeffery and I have been friends since before either of us became judges. This hasn’t really shown to be an issue.

Danny and Jef, meanwhile, are constantly at each other’s throats. Trust me, they in no way favor each other. Seeing as I’m also friends with Danny, there is no way for there to be a 2-1 split of favor or something. I don’t side with Jef automatically, and I do not side with Danny automatically.

There are problems with the Judiciary. I really wish that you used this opportunity to actually point them out instead of just trying to take your anger out on us for Jef embarrassing you with a bunch of ridiculous stuff.

The Judiciary is committed to getting new judges – that is why we’re currently training 3 new mentees. We care about the actual problems facing our branch and the legal community as a whole, not this bullshit drama that you’re trying to stir up.

Thank you for your concern, any questions may be directed to my DMs.

Skye Jones
District Court Justice


Man your response sounded way better than mine.

Also yes Danny and I threaten to get each other impeached at least once a week. We don’t like each other whatsoever.


The issue is no one wants to set the standard for our government anymore. I’m not sure what has been accomplished this term besides the criminal code and the legislation board revamp that you single handedly did. The Executive Branch is at an all time low in terms of standards and how things are operating. You have agencies and departments like SS, DPW, and DOJ starting to slow down in terms of activity. No one says anything about that. Nobody talks about the amount of progress the Executive Branch has made this term. No one wants to set the standards for the legislature and hold them accountable for it. There’s so many issues that have gone unnoticed this term.


exactly why this forum post is useless.

what’s even more disgusting is when i asked for help on my projects people literally told me to fuck off (people IN Congress)

What has the executive branch done this term? Just curious.