My apology letter

When you graduate POST , you say an Oath and part of that oath is that you will never betray your badge. Which is what he did, betray the badge.

Apology denied. Deportation from Firestone granted.

You have some fetish with impeachments and screwing people over. Look back at the Mack case sir.

how? uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

thats just like judge judy. LOL

because its a crime what they did. Its a called a coup which is illegal.

honestly i don’t care what you did, I still like you as a friend and that never changed but. I couldn’t help myself from creating this

Really dumb. No one will accept your apology letter fool.

Also no point in this apology, no one gives one about you in firestone anymore

Love that video

Apology denied, you betrayed your oath in POST and tried to get rid of not only a good Superintendant, but pressured a very innocent govener into supporting your little “coup”. You deserve whatever punishment you get. As they say, If you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime. (Not actually going to jail, but you know what I mean.) In mano, (Yes I know bare with me) I said a simple few words in a private discord. “Gimme mano password” and put JKJK after it. Did anyone care? Nope. Got lifetime bar from two major groups, along with three smaller groups. You have to build from the ground up, most likely in another place. download

ya’ll pushed on bjohn and cornered him knowing he was new to this, and after seeing the entire thing and the chat I have to say this is the biggest scandal we’ve had in firestone since the start. even kolibob never did anything this dirty (to my knowledge)

kolibob ------> trump

fsp gate scandal -------> nixon

kolibob was a nationalist with extreme views, and those views he’d enforce to a great extent to which made him a dictator.

fsp gate scandel is probably even worse than nixon because the leader of firestone had been cornered in a chat, threatened with impeachment and low ratings if he stood his ground and stalled any longer.

I agree 50%

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Kolibob is now a surgeon/doctor in a hospital group

trust me fam, you’re fucked

i only killed a few ppl and i had to work my fucking ass off, 2 years after it happened, to get my cert back and to even get into doc- i cant even get into any other departments

u may as well just leave

its ppl like you that end up fucking ppl over such as myself

ah the irony

even the owner of newdale would have never forgiven u… jk jk

The fact you posted this ON THE DAY YOU WERE EXPOSED, shows you weren’t able to think about what you did. Instead of apologizing like right away, you should’ve took your punishment and not complained THEN I would get like the tiniest speck of respect back for you. But now no.


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