LEO fire extinguishers

As most of us know, LEOs used to have fire extinguishers until they were taken away after being constantly abused. Back when I was in SCFD, we would receive a crap ton of pings a day from the pager telling us about a single random car fire. Now hear me out on this, I believe LEOs with valid FF/EMT-B or P certs should be able to grab a fire extinguisher from their departments lockers and be able to use it when there is no SCFD on and something such as a car fire occurs or if SCFD is on and they’re occupied with something else and the LEO is given the go ahead by on duty SCFD to use it. I believe this would be a great solution to the entire problem and to be honest, you could also implement game rules that mandate LEOs can’t use the extinguisher when SCFD is on unless they give the go-ahead. Thanks for listening, hope I gain your support

  • Support, LEOs with FF certs should have this feature
  • No support, (Comment why)
  • Support, all LEOs should have this feature regardless of certifications

0 voters



I had it removed for multiple reasons;

  1. Leos (Specifically SCSO:SWAT) were using it on STRUCTURE fires
  2. it was being misused
  3. not needed for leos when scfd is/was active.
  4. cars will just despawn

No just departmental policy

I agree with the first case and second case however if it was implemented for those with FFA FF certs or maybe a department training required in order to obtain the certs with actual punishment from game moderators coming in for those who abuse it, I think we’d be seeing a different perspective here.

Department policy won’t stop people from misusing equipment. Certain individuals abused their privilege of having it and it costed everyone.

Hence the reason I said game moderation could be taken against those individuals

or it can just be coded in and no moderation or regulation is needed Lol


when did this occur out of interest? (not calling you a liar just i dont recall it)

Mid/late 2020

I would say “was” but they are NOT active and probably won’t be for a while. The old days of SCFD were ruined by a couple of people… cough cough inspector and aes

I can’t speak to if it went downhill or not because I wasn’t here, but I do find that there are SCFD on at any normal times during the day.

No, it was abused when we had it last time, takes away from SCFD.