LegitimateIyRyan for House of Representatives

Hello everyone!
I am LegitimateIyRyan and I am running for the House of Representatives. Now that we have the introduction out of the way let’s get to the meat of the campaign.

Who I am:

  • Attended POST Class 33 in 2018
  • Former FSP Trooper
  • Former SCSO Deputy
  • Current DOC Correctional Officer
  • Current Capital Gas Employee

What I do differently:

  • Let’s be real, this state needs an act to allow for healthcare reform, and if elected I will support this, and co-sponsor if I have the chance.
  • I am committed to the Private Sector, and when possible I wish to support the private sector businesses.
  • I will bring activity and transparency to the House and allowing citizens to directly suggest bills in my personal discord.
  • Reforming a large number of loopholes in the current criminal code.

I know that my experiences don’t look a lot like those of someone in politics, but I hope all of you will give me a chance to show you how I perform in a public office, and when I can go to great lengths to help the people. If you have any questions you can send them to me on discord or on the forum in a message or comment.

Thanks for reading!
Discord: hi im ryan#8188


what’s the difference between this and the official bill suggestions channel?

such as?


I actually read DMs and my Office discord I think more than most representatives would read a bill suggestions channel, This is a way to directly refer a bill to me for me to work on and possibly propose.

For example, kidnapping someone is not holding someone against their will, rather kidnapping is only the TRANSPORT of someone, meaning that in a hostage-taking situation, as long as the criminal doesn’t move the people from where they originally are, it isn’t kidnapping.
“Kidnapping shall be the act of using fear, or force, to transport a person without their consent.” (2 FCC 9)


I’d like to direct your attention to false imprisonment Trello


Good point, thanks for that


speaking as a former representative, bill suggestions was regularly checked and it appears to still be

office discord’s are rather useless


I dont think my office discord would be useless but you can have your opinion on it


As I said with another Candidate, you should start from City Council or County Council.


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