La Finale | One of my Dissections

This outta just be the last word on why Firestone isn’t viewed as golden anymore by the older/original generation. Stop complaining and accept that nothing you do will fix or change anything, this is the new Firestone.

After serving in practically every department, holding cabinet positions for too long, and being elected governator I can say with confidence I’ve gotten to see the degradation of Firestone from all angles. I started in Firestone a pretty moderate conservative, but after watching a community I loved and served get destroyed by very real issues my beliefs changed more. Something many are beginning to realize is that Firestone is the very representation of modern-day politics from the American viewpoint to an almost scary perfection. In the days when Stapleton county was in its first version, we were all a tight and pact group of people who shared a common history, positions, groups, friends, and leaders. With everyone sharing a common ground, many look back on the v1 days as the golden age when our technology was garbage but the community itself made the experience worthwhile. Everybody was coming from fed’s previous groups such as TRC and Norfolk, as it was clear the line of succession deducted Firestone was the new hot thing. Some of our best leaders and the most respected statesmen came from these former groups under fed, and lead Firestone to a promising future. Unfortunately, like any other developed western civilization immigration is prone to produce some issues within the community, more specifically when the group began transitioning into v2 alpha. Once Firestone became mainstream it turned away towards the typical traditional values of community and comradeship and rather focused on creating a difference in politics. The original community was rather opposed towards outside groups, as we all laughed at Docklands alongside Rockport, viewing them as third world groups ( as they were; I visited each as sec of state ). The clearest example I can provide is when Rolerain declared war with Docklands, prompting our national guard to obliterate a state equivalent to that of (insert African country) just without horrendous infrastructure. Many of those within Docklands decided to join Firestone whilst holding positions in Docklands and began to join our departments/government. This is when quality began to noticeably drop within agencies, given the people now joining had the mental stability equivalent to that of Stalin’s regime with a complete lack of handling criticism ( sound familiar? ). By this time nobody else was coming from the original community, everybody had arrived and established themselves in positions within the government or its agencies. Now all that was left were outsiders, and those just discovering the rostate community which was now rapidly growing following Firestone’s immediate success in v2 alpha. Probably the only group that ever stood a real chance was Fairview, which in itself collapsed in under a year following their founder’s decision to just quit. Asides from foreign woes, Firestone also struggles to maintain its fragile political stability due to the election of terrible officials. The requirements to run for office are abysmal, with congress being a prime example of how a lack of regulations on government results in disaster. Since most of our best congressional officials left it has been a continual battle between the two houses over who will become governor or win themselves a higher position. Nearly everyone who runs for a seat in the house wishes to become the speaker so they can get fancy ss protection and a good position at running for governor. You can see this when nobodies who are unknown in the community get elected and straight up in their first-ever session nominate themselves for speaker. The senate typically was moderate up until the position of ppt became a thing, which resulted in the same problem the house had - idiots wanting relevance. Gubernatorial candidates have gotten increasingly worse, as short terms have resulted in great people running off to retire whilst Firestone struggles to keep up producing good candidates. The office has outrun its electorate in requirements with many of those running still yet to learn the community they’re serving or the true problems facing departments. Speaking from experience, when running for governor people just have to have enough fancy positions on their record and good standing within the community. They don’t need to know the actual problems facing the state or departments - they only need clout. This was proven by my very election, I was running with good standing in the community after serving in practically every cabinet post under god’s sun. But even with those qualifications, I was nearly beaten by somebody who believed Firestone needed a department of education to fix our problems prominent at the time. However, the truck lack of intelligence was shown when a staff member of that candidate accused myself and ovg of being dictators when we openly didn’t plan on keeping the candidate in our cabinet. You heard that correctly, they were mad we were removing the person running against us was going to be removed from the cabinet after making it clear they’d follow their agenda ( baron wasn’t the most adept ). Now that we’ve established that the establishment itself is slowly degrading we can move onto the departments that serve it. POST has and will always be a hot flaming disaster so long as buford doesn’t lead it. It still confuses me how a department could be fixed in 3 days and then immediately broken again the next. Our law enforcement was once looked at as the most professional and active within the community, but now that servers are getting more packed, more staff have had to been hired. This has resulted in a lowering of requirements to meet demand, especially since fed requires departments have over a set amount number of members by v3. No longer can quality take precedence over quantity - the number of criminals present doesn’t support it. Even if we had the original department leaders today, these problems wouldn’t go away as people may say, as departments are now so big that actual management has to occur. This means listing down and handling over 100+ employees on a virtual lego game without pay, whilst supervisors have loads of paperwork to do now that are as long as Clinton’s list of scandals. Being reduced to a desk job on a virtual game is something nobody wants to do, but with such a high employee count it’s required. Department’s numbers have outgrown the administration’s capacity to handle them, even with the assistance of trello or other programs. It’s also highly problematic to get a group of kids wanting to just have fun to sit there and manually handle the daily affairs of a department expecting the upmost performance of its staff. Stop complaining and shouting at them, they’re quite literally being eaten alive by their own subordinates. Finally, we’re at what I’d believe to be the core problem of everything, the founders. Path and envelope are the two most amazing individuals I’d ever met on this lego game and the games I played with them were the most enjoyable. However, it can be seen that they don’t have the drive they did as in v1 or v2 alpha. This can also be shown through fed, as he’s now a deputy in some department and his time has been limited by such. Firestone relied heavily upon the Founders in the past, but they can no longer single-handedly handle every issue that arises, the state is too massive.

So what have we learned from this?

For people like me and others from the past to quit complaining and accept their place - the dustbin. Like myself, its time for everyone stuck to the old ways to pack up and leave if we don’t like things how they are. What we’re failing to realize is that Firestone is now a new community, a community with ENTIRELY new problems and different ways of handling them. Us placing complaints on the obvious isn’t going to do anything, and screaming FIRESTONE IS DYING!!1!1!1!! every 5 posts won’t do anything. The old Firestone is gone, and it’s never coming back; Stop trying to make it happen.

Has quality dropped significantly within our Law Enforcement? No, but we’d like to think so.

Has our government been reduced to nothing but a shithole? No, but it needs help and support, not people crying with complaints.

I’d like to think I make pretty good dissections and summaries on this lego game and its politics, but even then I cant get to everything. All Firestone really needs is a Margaret Thatcher to get in and set the older generation on the right course and to get the government back in shape.

mods plz don’t remove I worked really hard on this

  • governor who set a record for being shot and assassinated the most in fs history

Communities evolve, whether it be for the better or the worse.

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can make tl;dr


i’ve been around since the start and have seen many original politicians come and go from the community, i feel like the last of my kind, we’re nearly extinct. i’ve seen the golden age of firestone and our not so golden age, i just hope things can get better, i have always tried my best to make this group’s politics somewhat respectable and competent and will continue to do so for as long as i can


i don’t think there’s a margaret thatcher in the firestone community that would help reshape the government.


I feel that FS needs someone who can truly be Buts successor, be it by his own training and approval or someone who can emulate him. Buts brought FS to an incredible state and held it there, but the community is changing, we need a new person who fits the current mold but instills those values we had before.
The group became mainstream, and as like most things when you become mainstream it gets simplified and watered down to fit the lowest common denominator. We used to be able to have some genuine political discourse but now if someone expresses an opposite view, “We need to cancel this behavior god, unbelievable.” It’s truly, and scarily, like real life politics and how society then responds to it.
If this is the path we must continue on so be it, but goddamn Butsworth has a way with putting this into words.


all facts. firestone has been degrading for a while now. i joined back in the v2 alpha days and it’s been downhill from there. government corruption and incompetent leadership in important positions are just some of the problems we face. it’s sad to see it.


all fax

governor election is literally a popularity contest…

you saw that with the recent one where ash almost won even though bear did more in 4 days then ash did in his entire term

there’s always people in power to divide us in congress, nobody wants change. all the new kids are going for SOTH when it makes no sense, as u said.

v3 is not going to fix our problems we’ll still have the assholes who tear our community apart


What a good dissection.


V3 only brings new content the political stuff will be sucky like rn. I say we make Firestone fascist


thanks regan. pls use paragraph breaks though, god this was hard to read.

now i can’t imagine any possible reason why the replies to this would become toxic; surely firestone members can have a civil discussion?


yes but we dont even know when v3 is gonna come out…


Dw, your grand daughter will love v3




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