Invitation to a Meet & Greet - IdentityLaw and Bjohn323

A Meet and Greet is being scheduled by the IdentityLaw Campaign for Governor at the Firestone meeting Center.

Link -

I encourage those who wish to know more and ask questions about our Campaign to attend. The Meet and Greet will be at 7:30 PM CST (8:30 PM EST) to 8:00 CST (9:00 PM EST) on Wednesday, 5/2/18. We ask that you start entering five to ten minutes prior to the start time.

We appreciate those who attend, comment if you will be attending below so we have a idea of the amount of people who will be coming.

My regards,
Senator IdentityLaw,
Senator Bjohn323

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I would go, but I have a concert.

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Great meet and greet within the County since plans changed. Met with some Citizens who were very helpful!

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Big thank you to @TypicallyColton for providing protection. And @AtlanticCanuck @Alpha_Lost and @K_Rev among others for spending the time with Bjohn and I.

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