In regards to my legislation involving the abolishment of the Municipal Governments,

I was never notified during my current tenure within the capacity of a Representative revolving around a way to give more purpose to the municipal governments of our state. If you have any, I’d be more than glad to consider them and I might even retire my abolishment legislation if it is precise and possible with our current circumstances.

‘Might’ is the keyword. Will you? Right now we have over 40+ people who are against your bill, and that number is rising. You stated yourself that you were once in the District Council of Prominence, why not be creative and talk to each of the Mayors and City Councils about what YOU can do.

You want to help the cities, talk to me as well so I can be onboard instead of leaving me in the dark. You proposed a bill to destroy our cities and I didn’t even know at all.

You’re stretching this out too much, also I am retiring my bill due to the concerns of the citizens and FedoraMasterB98 stepping in as well.

I do intend on proposing a follow-up legislation on a way to give your municipalities more purpose. However, I do have to mention how incompetent our current Mayors are. I personally believe we need new, capable individuals to handle this new, extended power that I’ll try to give them for the betterment of our state.

The incompetency that you say our Mayors have is really vague to prove. These individuals have rarely been given the opportunity to show their abilities. I respect that you are proposing to assist the municipal governments, which should have been drafted in the first place.

You don’t put down the horse if it’s alive and well, only if it’s beyond fix.

This is my final say on the subject.

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As the City of Redwood Mayor, I would like to note, that your response of “people that have no experience running the municipal governments are in-charge of them.” Is 100% false. As the Redwood Mayor, I would like to inform you that most of us that have held these offices, have had the experience required.

I would also like to note, as a retired Firestone v3 developer, that we’re going to be needed upon release of v3. No, our ordinances are not publicly followed by, and or enforced by law enforcement agencies, but we’ve tried in the past to get things like that sorted out. You, as a representative should be worrying about allowing our ordinances to be enforced, because the only department would be SCSO, that abides by county laws; rather than municipal. Envelope has recently updated the MDT he made with municipal ordinances, but there are no places designated on the forums for our ordinances.

As the PAST Mayor of Redwood, this is something that I tried to achieve in the past as well, but it got no-where… People have tried to abolish the municipal governments in the past, and they’ve not been effective. I think you should, as a representative, represent the people in this case, and re-think the bill, as you know whats best for the people…

There are much better ways to go about fixing the municipal governments, and abolishing it, is not the way to go, coming from my opinion, backing up all of the others who’ve posted in agreement in the past…


So saying that you want the city’s governments bye bye but fed said we’ll need them in V3. What happens if we do remove them but are to be needed in V3?

I retired the bill, but I don’t really understand why people think that if the state were to abolish these governments, the cities would cease to exist?

No, they will still exist just under the county government rather than a municipal one.

That’s not how it works… The municipal governments are not recognized by the county governments, and were created by the state. Therefore, if you abolish the municipal, they’re not operating…

Well first off, I’d love for you to explore my resume, but I didn’t really think it would be needed.

Before the State of Firestone was made, there were other States called Rockport, and Docklands in-which I served as a part of (in-case you didn’t know.) I presided over sessions within the Senate as the Lieutenant Governor, as well as the house as Speaker Pro Tempore.

Not only have I served for 3+ terms in each chamber between the two states, (including two terms in the house, and one in the senate in Firestone) I’ve also been the County Executive of Stapleton County, thus again presiding over the County Council…

You can keep coming back to my campaign, but it’s not going to help prove your point any further. All I was trying to do, was back up the municipal governments, and prove a point in my response. You were spitting out facts that weren’t even backed up with valid information.

For you to attack my campaign is just pathetic, and to continue it on is just something else. A debate over a piece of legislation is one thing, but criticizing someone for not wanting to accept their view on the legislation is wrong, ESPECIALLY when you were the representative that brought it to the table.

I believe I have already made my point with you. If you’d like to criticize my campaign, so be it, but this really wasn’t the place to do it, especially when you’ve decided to change the topic of the conversation, in-which was the municipal governments.

We’re done with the municipal governments topic, clearly people hold too much intransigence for change with these governments.

I’ve been in Firestone for about 2 years, stop flexing your ego for the love of everything that’s good.

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Utterly sad that you are attacking a campaign, if you don’t like them then don’t comment


Tmw Firestone politicians can’t remain neutral without becoming toxic. I’m not picking any sides, but lets not


I’m literally allowed to, I have a voice?

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Exactly. Using their words to voice their opinion, and attacking people on un-related issues are two different concepts, that I guess they don’t understand how to handle.

Its sad

So now your attacking me, just sad

I mean, politicians can comment on what they wish to. He’s not being toxic, he’s just making regards on some details in relation to how he feels. Genuinely, he can do so. If those individuals can’t take criticism, then that’s not on Ser for it to be backfired upon.

Take into context that this forum post was made in regards to the municipal government operations, and that’s what we were talking about…

He should know where to, and where not to do things like this, and preferably, in my DM’s.

Turned into off-topic. Attacks