Hybrid press release #1

Cool statement, I’m also a Game Moderator so you know, I have to be in V2. Also, I have to review ban request footage as well and I do remain fairly active in discords. Good try.

I said “vice versa” as well, which means, criminals should not insult cops for playing the game.

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You are still not a LEO. You do not see the shit I have to deal with every patrol.

It’s not as easy as just “stop being toxic”. It requires involvement from above which is not present.

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I still fail to understand your point. I was a LEO for 3 years buddy, and I know exactly the shit you deal with. Just because I currently serve as the County Executive does not mean I am blind to it. I also go on ride alongs with members of SCSO as well. Further, like I said, I also view ban requests footage which truly shows how bad the situation is in V2. Yes, V2’s situation is shit, that’s pretty clear.

No, it’s not easy as “stop being toxic” and I never said it was easy. If cops start being less toxic to criminals, perhaps the other way around could happen, who knows? Nobody asked anyone here to put toxic responses to this press release, they did it on their own accord.


Then I have no idea why you keep saying that criminals are less toxic than cops because it’s clearly not the case.

It won’t happen.


From what I see, yes, criminals are less toxic to cops. Opinions differ, don’t try to change mine.

That’s the issue, your mentality and many other’s are the exact same. “Ohhh toxic community!” No one will ever take the initiative to be the bigger person.

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Forum post that did nothing.

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I am not in position to do anything about it. None of us are.

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Just as I said, thanks.

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I can understand all your points. Elite has a really good point, as a criminal who active and famous before I had ideas of making forum post related to criminal activities and naming them “Press release” it’s fun to press release from a criminals side explain how criminal activities happen. I never did it myself (besides my FBI one) because I was afraid and knew the comment section would be toxic or rude (just like elite said) I can also understand Doktors point. Everyone is tired of v2, a broken game that’s losing content as days go by. I don’t play Roblox much but when I join v2 I see multiple new criminals yell out “FRP FRP FRP” 80% of the time the criminal is wrong. That doesn’t mean leos are angels like elite said a lot of cops infact do frp. Everyone is just tried and frustrated of v2


no because he wants attention

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I wouldn’t say ‘majority’. 9 out of 10 times, we criminals are outnumbered. I’ve had 5 cops surround me and kill me then arrest me and make the argument that I had ‘bad aim’. We are always out numbered, not to mention if you become an organized gang, CRT IO, FNG, Etc usually follow you from server to server not only are we usually out numbered, we are not even close to being equal when it comes to weapons. From the riot shield, to the flash bang, ans so on.

You can’t base salvatore off of most criminals. They were fairly toxic. Even criminals hated salvatore, especially after all the exploiting and church shootings they did. They weren’t even really apart of the community.

Leo’s think because they went through some ‘tactical’ trainings they are somehow better when in reality, most leo trainings are a waste of time. It’s just to look cool. All of those breaching tactics will not be put to use. Ever. it’s a lego game, it’s about common sense. Use cover, learn how to aim your mouse, and you are good. My point is, I don’t believe most criminals are bad, or that cops are. We would all be equal if we had the right weapons

Perfect example is FSP beating FNG in that tournament some time ago LMAO

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That is not true. Majority of the players in almost any given server are either civillians or criminals.

Salvatore is only one of the numerous examples. They are the peak of toxicity.

You do not know what you are talking about.

Again, you do not know what you are talking about.

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Every large scale gang I’ve seen in my three years in Firestone has devolved into scummery and bullshit that comes to the negative of citizens, LEOs, non-LEO public servants, etc-leading the only people to have any fun the gang members themselves at the unnecessary expense of others.


Also @ParrotChattin enjoy RICO Acting this one


i am all for gang warfare thats epic
much better than gangs killing random citizens and cops for no reason


Okay? Literally makes no sense. Does not change the fact that when it comes to shootouts, we are always outnumbered.

I’d like another example then. It doesn’t exist. Salvatore was the only gang to play envtops with leos on fair terms.

That’s why you disproved my point

Again, that’s why you disproved my point.

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same thing for crims, Dont get salty and sue cops and fake evidence just because u went to lego jail for 15 minutes

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They used aimbot lol


And still lost

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