How intrusive are search warrants getting?

If a privately owned discord is being used in relation to crimes, or the planning of crimes in firestone, it can be searched. We don’t search off a hunch either. We have to have valid evidence proving the commission of a crime beyond a reasonable doubt.

We’re not allowed and never will search the contents of a personal irl computer. That’s creepy and this is a game.

Then don’t do crime on personal things. If I murder someone on my private property, it’s still murder. Cmon now- this is just common sense.

except this isn’t real life, there’s no urgency in doing it

if you think your virtual firestone title allows you to view personal files or conversations on somebody’s computer, you need to learn your place

Jefra… Do you know how Search warrants work? Yea you can Search on “personal” discord if it’s related with FS. But get a Search warrant on your personal computer with classified files (Aka your personal info). Get me an irl Search warrant and I’ll let you touch my personal info. Other wise go away.

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Yea and no. If they can prove w/o any resonable suspicious dms and pivate discord are related to FS, yes. If not, no

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I’m not talking about files on a personal computer. I’m talking about personal Discords which you said should not be searched.

That’s literally what I am saying.

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i’d rather get banned than to have someone force me to go through my entire personal discord

not your personal discord, personal discord channels

“personal files or conversations”

A Discord chat can contain both of those, I’m aware of what I said.

So to be clear, if I can prove that an individual is, say, extorting people in a private Discord, I should not be able to get a search warrant to search that Discord?

why do you assume that discords, private or not, fall under your jurisdiction

He’s power hungry

I don’t know how much more clear I can make it. If you are breaking Firestone law in reference to Firestone on a Discord not ran by the Firestone government, said Discord can still be searched. This is common sense. Your argument, in real life, would literally sound like “LAWS ONLY APPLY ON GOVERNMENT PROPERTY!!!” It just doesn’t make sense.

I don’t even know how to respond to this. I have to go through extensive verification and legal procedures to obtain a search warrant. When you are the victim of a crime in a private Discord server, you’ll understand, I suppose.

What’s the process to obtaining a search warrant?

I find it funny that people are like “it’s just a game, don’t worry about it, stop being extra and getting search warrants.”

Then when their job is on the line, they start panicking, going to dumb conclusions, doing every little thing to save their job.

Yes, it’s a game, but the point of this particular game is to mock real life. If you think we should be lax because it’s a game, you don’t deserve your position, whether it be Governor or it be POST Tier I. If you want to have fun, go to Docklands, where they focused on fun and they fell quickly.


An investigation has to be initiated. In that investigation, typically several interviews occur and any evidence that can be obtained, is obtained. While unlikely, if we obtain probable cause of a crime, we then have to formulate it into a request. Then, a judge, who has been through the most vigorous hiring/training process in the state, has to review our request. Often times, the judge will conduct a hearing to determine if our evidence meets the standard of proof (mind you a witness is very rarely enough proof). If we can prove criminal activity, we then have to determine the bare minimum that our evidence proves (say, our evidence only proves crime in two channels- we can’t search a whole Discord). From there, the judge has to finalize and document the search warrant, clearly stating what we can search, seize, etc. Then, an individual has to be tasked with executing the search warrant. Generally, this person will present the search warrant and then be berated verbally before ultimately allowing them to execute it (as failing to is a criminal offense). From there, we look through hundreds of thousands of messages or other content and collect all evidence the search warrant allows. If you are still confused, of course, I can use the search warrant against you for assisting in treason as an example.

Exxxxxxactly. Within reason, this game is intended to simulate reallife. The same people who complain that the game is too realistic are the ones that scream “FRP!!!” every time someone flips their car.

Could not have said it better.