bet, sending 50 fsd rn.
Dear @HardwareSecurity and @dovntime,
You have gained additional support from the Honorable @Clonemep.
The Honorable Secretary of Commerce
Dear Bjohn323,
Your compensation for the emotional damage on the 10th of August 2023 is in the mail and will be delivered by the Firestone Postal Service in due course.
Thank you for being an avid supporter,
His/Her Excellency, the Most Honorable Grand Poobah of the State of Firestone, Chief Executive Officer, Lord/Lady Paramount of the Executive Branch, Director of Statecraft, Head of State, Commander-in-Chief of the State Militia and Protector of the Realm, Elected Governor Extraordinaire and Grand Vizier of Public Affairs.
No Spanish version = No support
v3 aint out yet = No Support
Dear supporters,
We have gained additional support from the Honorable @JamesDiForti,
His/Her Excellency, the Most Honorable Grand Poobah of the State of Firestone, Chief Executive Officer, Lord/Lady Paramount of the Executive Branch, Director of Statecraft, Head of State, Commander-in-Chief of the State Militia and Protector of the Realm, Elected Governor Extraordinaire and Grand Vizier of Public Affairs.
I’m charging interest buddy, you owe me 1.2 million now instead of 900k. Bad things will happen if I don’t receive those funds by tonight.
Messi or Ronaldo? I’ll support if you say the correct answer.
Lionel Messi because of his Argentinian ancestry.
Dear supporters,
We have gained additional support from the Honorable @mastyjake,
His/Her Excellency, the Most Honorable Grand Poobah of the State of Firestone, Chief Executive Officer, Lord/Lady Paramount of the Executive Branch, Director of Statecraft, Head of State, Commander-in-Chief of the State Militia and Protector of the Realm, Elected Governor Extraordinaire and Grand Vizier of Public Affairs.
Chan eil e soilleir gu bheil taic sam bith dha Ronaldo nas fheàrr na Messi chan urrainn dhomh a chreidsinn gun canadh tu nuair a tha Ronaldo na mhèinn nas fheàrr na sgum comannach!
Taic, tha gaol agam air na tagraichean sin. Is fuath leam Kamraxn.
Dear supporters,
As a token of our appreciation, we have made translations of our speeches available in the Italian Language after a slightly increased budget allowance by Bjohn.
Lieutenant Governor
Thank you again for your support. Together, we will work towards a brighter future.
His/Her Excellency, the Most Honorable Grand Poobah of the State of Firestone, Chief Executive Officer, Lord/Lady Paramount of the Executive Branch, Director of Statecraft, Head of State, Commander-in-Chief of the State Militia and Protector of the Realm, Elected Governor Extraordinaire and Grand Vizier of Public Affairs.
His/Her Excellency, the Most Honorable Vice-Grand Poobah of the State of Firestone, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Vice-Lord/Lady Paramount of the Executive Branch, Assistant Director of Statecraft, Second-in-Command of the State, Vice-Commander-in-Chief of the State Militia and Guardian of the Realm, Elected Lieutenant Governor Extraordinaire and Vice Grand Vizier of Public Affairs.
COPY: @Soiandiis
Dear supporters,
We have gained additional support from the Honorable @robloxskateboarddude.
Thank you again for your support. Together, we will work towards a brighter future.
His/Her Excellency, the Most Honorable Grand Poobah of the State of Firestone, Chief Executive Officer, Lord/Lady Paramount of the Executive Branch, Director of Statecraft, Head of State, Commander-in-Chief of the State Militia and Protector of the Realm, Elected Governor Extraordinaire and Grand Vizier of Public Affairs.
His/Her Excellency, the Most Honorable Vice-Grand Poobah of the State of Firestone, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Vice-Lord/Lady Paramount of the Executive Branch, Assistant Director of Statecraft, Second-in-Command of the State, Vice-Commander-in-Chief of the State Militia and Guardian of the Realm, Elected Lieutenant Governor Extraordinaire and Vice Grand Vizier of Public Affairs.