Firestone Summarized

New to Firestone? Here’s a brief summary.

photo credits to FrivolousGoose

In the very image you see a lot of stuff. Let’s break it down.

From left to right, you see some guy in a suit getting arrested. The guy probably thinks he is the shit, but ends up getting arrested anyway and most likely threatens to sue the trooper. Next down the line are protests for who knows what, it’s just a large crowd of people where one person can just roll up and get about 20 confirmed kills. As you go down the line you witness many offensive things stated, and I quote “you bi? this is why your dad left,” Oh firestone, how I love you so. Continuing down the line is a bunch of FUCKING CARS obstructing traffic for who knows what. It’s chaos.

This is the Firestone we love. This is the Firestone I love. God bless Firestone.

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