Firestone HUB


if went ingame and SAW
most criminals are focused on kidnappings, shootings, etc. cause they are actually possibly to pull off. now I’m not saying people don’t rob but it takes a lot of planning and coordination to pull off, they sometimes don’t even make 10k

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fedlaw has ruined robberies but thats beyond the scope of this topic idk how we ended up discussing the underlying issues with criminals


ya thats why they are so hard to pull off

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they can request for literally only “money” and food and mby toys


@blaadam could make it a feature for v3 to prevent further issues?


simply give a warning 30 minutes prior to the shutdown, then 15 minutes, and then 5 minutes. making a command using the fs bot showing how long until the specific server shuts down might also be helpful if this is ever put into place

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v3 actually is functional and will be for long periods of time, unlike v2

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stop the cap