Firestone - Get to know!

oh i thought that was josh im stupid


Username: Ftlicious
Preferred name to be called: Ft, Ftl
Age (Optional): 16
Country & timezone: US, ET
Gender: M
Current occupation(s) in FS: CRT CMDR, DAG, FNG LT
1 thing you would like to achieve in FS: idk, just another opportunity to fix a dept
Name 1 hobby other than gaming: working out
Sport you play and your position: Football, WR; Baseball, CF
1 fact about you: i enjoy fixing depts
Pet(s): N/A
Biggest fear: getting caught up in messes
Dream vacation: Canada
If you could, what two animals would you combine? none, i do not like animals


Username: HudsonGMidlands
Preferred nickname: hud, hudson
Age(Optional): 14
Country & Timezone: US, EST
Gender: M
Current occupation(s) in FS: n/a
1 thing you would like to achieve in FS: no clue
Name 1 hobby other than gaming: sports
Sport you play and position: Football, LB; Track, Sprinter
1 fact about you: i’ve been fired from 3 LEAs in FS
Pet(s): N/A
Biggest fear: falling from tall heights
Dream vacation: a vacation on the tropical planet of scarif
If you could, what two animals would you combine? A lion and a cheetah


Username: Cuxle
Preferred name to be called: cuxle
Age (Optional): 16
Country & timezone: CA EST
Gender: M
Current occupation(s) in FS: game mod
1 thing you would like to achieve in FS: not lagging
Name 1 hobby other than gaming: logo design & graphical illustration
1 fact about you: pew pew
Pet(s): None
Biggest fear: dying.
Dream vacation: NZ or Australia
If you could, what two animals would you combine?
a raccoon and a squirrel.


i felt this on every level imaginable


That’s actually interesting, what makes biking fun? (I’m curious because thats something new to me)


replied in discord :slight_smile:


Wow! I didn’t expect so many people to care and actually reply. Thank you everyone who has!! I have read through all of them, very interesting answers and I can see a lot of people have so many things in common. I am so proud that there was no toxicity in this thread and that we all can get along as humans if we just tried to understand each other. :revolving_hearts: Have a great day!!


Username: b0org
Preferred name to be called: borg
Country & timezone: Canada, EST.
Gender: Male
Current occupation(s) in FS: Middle class citizen, currently a criminal.
1 thing you would like to achieve in FS: uhhhhh maybe go legal 1 day in v3 and join a department
Name 1 hobby other than gaming: planting, i love to help the community out :heart:
1 fact about you: i enjoy killing people in firestone
Pets: dog and cat
Biggest fear: dying, fear of tall heights, etc




I thought your name was booger at one point


Username: iLordOfAviation
Preferred name to be called: iLord
Age (Optional): 17 and 9/10 :slight_smile:
Country & timezone: United States of America, Eastern Time
Gender: male
Current occupation(s) in FS: fdoa sec, fsp corporal
1 thing you would like to achieve in FS:
Name 1 hobby other than gaming: working on me car, flying planes
Sport you play and your position: well i played baseball in elementary school
1 fact about you: I will be legal august 1st :wink:
Pet(s): a dog
Biggest fear: None, I am dat *****
Dream vacation: sleeping on fedoramasterb98’s couch
If you could, what two animals would you combine? dogs and birds


Rude. D:

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Username: RichardHFoster
Preferred name to be called: Rich, Richie
Age (Optional): 16
Country & timezone: Ecuador, UTC
Gender: Male
Current occupation(s) in FS: Business Owner, Not in any department.
1 thing you would like to achieve in FS: Workers for my company, DriveGlide.
Name 1 hobby other than gaming: Driving, Sex, and Spotify
Sport you play and your position: None
1 fact about you: I have a very notable romanian accent.
Pet(s): Catr 1
Biggest fear: Airplanes and crashes. Hell.
Dream vacation: Armenia
If you could, what two animals would you combine? Mothfly


Username: Kat4Katrina
Preferred name to be called: Kat
Age (Optional): 17
Country & timezone: USA, Arizona Mountain Standard Time
Gender: Female
Current occupation(s) in FS:
Firestone National Guard Staff Sergeant & Junior Drill Sergeant,
Firestone Peace Officer Standards & Training Junior Instructor
1 thing you would like to achieve in FS: N/A
Name 1 hobby other than gaming: Sleeping
Sport you play and your position: None right now
1 fact about you: Favorite color is red, black, or orange
Pet(s): 2 dogs
Biggest fear: Scorpions, Spiders, Heights (kinda), probably much more
Dream vacation: I don’t travel much
If you could, what two animals would you combine? Horse and narwhal (unicorn)


Username: TayrdomShan
Preferred name to be called: Jordan, Tay, or Mr. Shan is good.
Age (Optional): Alot
Country & timezone: United States of America, PST/
Gender: Male.
Current occupation(s) in FS: Currently a civilian.
1 thing you would like to achieve in FS: Hopefully get unbanned from the Firestone discord and make a new name for myself.
Name 1 hobby other than gaming: Swimming.
Sport you play and your position: None as of now.
1 fact about you: I like Star Wars.
Pet(s): One dog, named Elvis.
Biggest fear: Heights (Sorta), I used to be afraid of spiders but I bought a blow torch to burn them.
Dream vacation: Iceland, I hear it’s amazing over there.
If you could, what two animals would you combine?
Rabit and a squirrel. (Squabit, Brickleberry fans know what I’m talking about.)


Username: Ash1835
Preferred name to be called: ash
Age (Optional): none of your business
Country & timezone: canada :canada:, cst
Gender: male
Current occupation(s) in FS: senator
1 thing you would like to achieve in FS: another term as governor
Name 1 hobby other than gaming: sports, (hockey, track)
Sport you play and your position: hockey, left wing
1 fact about you: i enjoy destroying liberals
Pet(s): n/a
Biggest fear: i fear nothing but big bear in forest
Dream vacation: buckingham palace GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! :uk: :uk: :uk: :crown:
If you could, what two animals would you combine? horse and ant


Username: SourcedInfinity
Preferred name to be called: sourced / vince (vince by close friends)
Age (Optional): -
Country & timezone: the united states of america, est
Gender: male
Current occupation(s) in FS: gfx developer lol
1 thing you would like to achieve in FS: domination of the executive branch
Name 1 hobby other than gaming: guitar
Sport you play and your position: dont play sports since im a fatass
1 fact about you: i’m openly bisexual
Pet(s): 16 yo shih tzu, few fish, and an 4 year old american eskimo
Biggest fear: dying alone
Dream vacation: united kingdom, preferably london or glasgow to fuck around with a few scots
If you could, what two animals would you combine? narwhal and horse


Good to know theres more pakistani firestone people! :smiley: