Executive Branch Leadership Transparency Release #01

I MEAN you ain’t wrong LOL


damn :flushed: nin and hec getting stuff done

also, good lookin release!


I agree they wouldn’t have gone through without your signature, at the same time you’re claiming things as accolades that you spent no time advocating for, spent no time trying to write. I was once Governor as well, and I signed plenty of legislation I agree with, I didn’t openly advocate for them, and thus I haven’t ever claimed them as my own accolade. I’m glad I said what I said, because if I didn’t I wouldn’t know half of the things you’ve posted here nor would anyone else that isn’t directly involved. Even so it doesn’t change the fact that things on the legal end were over a month behind. Meaning that laws were still sitting on the pending since you were Lt. Gov. But, again I’m glad my question resulted in more then a generic typed up list of stuff that’s gone through congress and commerce and has given us a better update on what’s going on. I’d say still you and hecxtro both have lacked in the making sure that the laws, and the constitution has been updated, and linked properly among law trellos, operation trellos, and other respective trellos. Hopefully moving forward I don’t have to dm people so that month and a half old legislation is added to the board.


You’re arguing something extremely vague and weird here. Ninwin is a part of legislative process as detailed by the const. While he’s not actively writing the legislation he’s still a major player in them passing or failing. Never once did he claim that he wrote those bills but instead meant it more as “under my administration we were able to accomplish…” WE MEANING CONGRESS AND THE RESPECTIVE AUTHORS OF THE BILLS. It’s under his administration that these were drafted and passed. In-fact, immediately after listing the legislation he thanks the legislative branch for their productivity in drafting legislation. You’ve never heard an IRL president talk about legislation passed under their administration citing it as an accomplishment? They’re not trying to take credit for their congressmen’s work they’re simply noting the achievements of the state as whole under their administration.


I have, and usually when I do they played a part in advocating for that piece of legislation


It’s a pointless argument with zero objective.


Ah yes, the Inno arguement

Never gets old


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