i legit asked him and he said yes and now hes denying it dont put that on me
i never replied to u asking
yes you did you deleted it
u said u have proof but i actually have proof
yes i can i love criticism but i dont like people not being able to handle criticism back
i love how this election post has 35 comments. makes it seem like a ton of ppl supported
pov cooldude for senate
no its just me defending myself
theres a reason the reply-to-support ratio is a thing, which in turn is why people usually reply no support
lool 5
thank you for your input senator
Auto will tend to grill a crap ton of candidates running for any elected position. Auto is like the filter for incompetent candidates. One of the tests is getting through Auto. If you aren’t able to handle criticism from Auto and you cannot respond accordingly, then as someone else has said, you might not be fit in the position you are running for.
i dont see her replying/criticising to other county candidates
She tried grilling me when I ran for House lol. For other candidates, she has simply put in “no support” from what I’ve seen. If she flat out sees no potential, she will say “no support”. But if you are one of the lucky few to be grilled by Auto, it kind of shows that maybe she has some interest, but wants to see if you can pass her tests and have the competence to answer her questions accurately.
as far as im concerned auto feels alienated from her real life and takes it out on firestone forums to feel a sense of relevance
how about from the most recent election please
Those are pretty recent