EdwardMercer for House of Representatives

Honourable citizens and friends, I’m glad to announce my candidacy for the Firestone House of Representatives.

For too long have our citizens suffered from corruption. It affects all citizens, HALTS our progress as a state, and destroys any interest citizens have in our political system.

No longer. Justice will prevail, this is a promise that undoubtedly spreads fear into our politicians. No longer shall the same politicians make the same corrupt moves under the very noses of our citizens. I’m a new guy, full of ambitions and dreams, ready to revolutionize our corrupt system with fresh ideas.

We need strong willed politicians, ready to stand up against evil, uphold our rights in congress, truly represent US, as citizens. Politicians elected time and time again have lost touch with our citizens, they do not understand what we want. Every politicians runs under the guise of “protecting our free speech, protecting your guns, etc.” None of them act in congress, none of them address the real issues with our system. That is why I’m running with Firestone First, to destroy the true problems rooted in Firestone and it’s political system.

This is why I am running for the House; to do what people are so sick and tired of hearing about, and knowing that this goes on, and having no power to do anything about it.

If you have any questions or concerns, you may reach me here;

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I support.

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Signature Deadline. Stay tuned for voting (will be announced on FS discords).

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