Dpsgate 2 — 2 fast 2 furious

i must preface that everything enclosed in this post and any subsequent replies (collectively the ‘topic’) are representative of my and my views alone and not that of any of my employees, associates, or any other entity or agency, unless explicitly stated otherwise

dpsgate 2
2 fast 2 furious

a tale of how the dps administration is STILL incompetent, or corrupt, or both

Funny isn’t it how this is only the second time involving me, PSBs (on me), and the public safety reform act. Haven’t seen the previous chapter? Well my friend it’s here; a fun tale of incompetence in the DPS administration, suitable for all ages.

Looking for a TLDR? Read the conclusion.

Chapter 1
Just a bill, only a bill

The Public Safety Reform Act. Originally written way back when at the start of the year, but put on hold after the election, with Governor DyingSym pinky promising to congress that DPS would be controlled. The PSRA was given some touching up and proposed for-realsies recently in response to the wave of PSBs and general misuse of DPS power.

The DPS Inquest was also established with the purpose of questioning DPS officials on nature. Kamraxn was the first official, issued a summons, which he fiercely fought against and to date has still declined to attend. The inquest, charged with the question ‘is DPS corrupt’, has since been dissolved in light of recent events.

The Governor also veto’d the Select Committees Act, which would have given Congress a way to legally compel department heads and the Governor to have to explain their actions when suspicions are raised about their legality.

Telling when a Secretary refuses to say their department isn’t corrupt and a Governor then vetos legitimate checks and balances on his power.

Chapter 2
Sussy arrest uwu

KAREEM2610 was detained for failure to comply, I had no intentions of arresting him at the time but wanted to demonstrate what another officer could have done, as an act to remind him to maybe please try not to break the law (something I’ve done with actual legals who’ve broken the law by mistake before). Asking him to flip a coin was a joke; no coin was actually flipped.

Kareem was signalled to pull over, he stopped in the middle of the road, and acknowleged but did not comply with several W/D signals (which he confirmed in an interview under oath he did know meant to pull over). This necessitated him being removed from the vehicle via the Baton and detained via handcuffs, both legal as I had reasonable suspicion he had committed a crime.

Subsequent to remarks made by him in fs gen on the situation, I concluded that he had not learned his lesson and arrest was necessary. I instructed him to join v2 and detained him for questioning, which ended in his arrest.

Chapter 3
dps bad

KAREEM2610 complained about the situation to DPS. 1superchris2 (who, lets not forget, doxxed someone and got a strike) was originally assigned as the investigator, before being reassigned to DELTAFOX91, and then hxppyteddyy (whom is not employed by DPS, by law). Teddy conducted the investigation, giving less than 24 hours to respond, and closing the interview as ‘non-compliant’ because I responded less than 3 minutes after the deadline (note that I had already responded when he closed the interview).

Let’s review the reasons for the PSB:

  1. Article 1 § 1 (Violation of Criminal Statute)
  • The criminal statute violated is not specified, but appears to be the use of force against Kareem (which was lawful and justified)
  1. Article 1 § 2 (Violations of the Constitution or the Bill of Rights)
  • The violations of const/BOR are not stated
  1. Article 1 § 3 (Violations of Civil Law)
  • Presumably false arrest, which is for a court to decide under due process. We love a little extrajudicial (and illegal) punishment.
  1. Article 1 § 4 (Immaturity, Unprofessionalism, or Misrepresentation of the State or County whilst in the Line of Duty)
  • Immaturity is a stretch but the only one that arguably applies. Even still, not worthy of a PSB.
  1. Article 1 § 6 (Violation of POST Oath)
  • The sections of the oath violated are not stated.
  1. Article 1 § 8 (Ineptitude)
  • Bit of a stretch innit :’)
  1. Article 2 § 1 (Targeting, bullying, or harassment)
  • Enforcing the law is now targeting:tm:
  1. Article 2 § 3 (Violations of department policy)
  • The policy in question is not stated.
  1. Article 2 § 6 (Excessive Force)
  • Batoning a flight-risk suspect out a vehicle is now excessive force:tm:
  1. Article 4 § 7 (General Article)
  • Not really applicable, stretch to say that my actions bought SCSO into disrepute.

And let’s not forget… this investigation was entirely done by the Governor, independent to DPS. The PSB, revoke, and ‘referral to DOJ’ were all at the order of the Governor, as confirmed by DPS itself, with no indication as to if DPS or anyone within was consulted.

Chapter 4

This is a blatant misuse of his power by the Governor, an executive overstep, to investigate a county employee for matters not of concern to DPS, and to issue the harshest possible punishment, as a political assassination.

As I described the last time I wrote one of these, DPS is a very important and powerful department. It is critical that the public, and our elected officials, maintain tight oversight of it, and that we - as citizens - speak out when something fishy is going on.

While many in this community may dislike me or cast doubt upon my actions, that is no excuse for the Governor’s corruption (and I say that in the literal and criminal sense) and I hope that everyone can see, clear as day, how the actions undertaken here are reprehensible.

With all said and done, I believe the following should occur:

  1. Kamraxn to explain his decision to enact the PSB without issue. And if he doesn’t want to explain how his department isn’t corrupt this time, to resign or be removed.

  2. hxppyteddyy to do the right thing and admit his misdeeds, or to be impeached for misconduct and corruption.

  3. Congress to pass both the Public Safety Reform Act and the Select Committees Act to prevent future misuses of DPS and other government power.

  4. Citizens’ right to recall government officials (currently members of congress) to be extended to the Office of Governor.


omg another controversy! time to capitalise on likes!


as automationeer’s god-tier attorney, i wholeheartedly support this statement.


I just want to be clear that I explicitly pointed out that I had a conflict of interest after being assigned to the case, hence… well, whatever else happened… happened.

(if anyone cares, the coi was the fact that i was in scso less than 6 months ago)


DPS needs to be abolished and just let departments handle it internally.

if you wanna argue this statement, go ahead, but I really don’t give a shit.




Ma’am mine wasn’t involving you

Also I wasn’t incompetent:( aes came up with the same exact results months later after disregarding mine just nobody cares cause it wasn’t DPS


i really think dps needs to be reformed or maybe abolished this shouldn’t be happening


It’s not every day a senior government official is accused of retaliatory arrest/false arrest.

Corruption in this case would being using one’s position in the government to attempt to pass a law to remove an adverse action put against them.

In being around those that finalized this matter (and started it) it’s clear that the merits necessitated the final action.

Let’s break down the basics of how might teddy have come to his decision:

  • prior PSB for trying to FRAME someone for a crime and trying to get them impeached

  • the appearance of using a coin toss to decide someone’s fate

  • troll arresting (I.e. telling someone they are under arrest/going thru the motion before releasing them suddenly saying “trolled”) someone

  • grossly excessive - and illegal force

  • clearly not knowing the FTC law/use of force laws

  • threats by yourself recently to “TWIST” the law and go after the person you arrested should he go forward with a protest

  • not admitting your mistakes and frankly not appearing to care at all for the damage caused

  • the appearance of retaliation against someone who reported you to DPS

And the list goes on…

but the point is if it was anyone else they would get the same treatment…

If you have someone with a history of serious criminal misconduct who has repeated that misconduct and doesn’t appear to change then that ties people’s hands figuratively speaking in what the response is.

We obviously can’t have law enforcement officers going around frankly abusing their powers.


the whole fast and furious franchise has been going too long isn’t it like fast and furious 82 now or something


true, they should of stopped once they started saving the world


A bill proposed previous to this incident and unchanged


Not excessive nor illegal.

Use of force empowers force to be applied to affect detainments and enforce the law.

If the arrest is false or not is a question for the courts.

Figure of speech and regardless external to the incident in question and therefore should not be considered

What damage? What mistakes?

Appearances are not facts.


On that note, wouldn’t you agree someone who has twice used intimidation and power to access, store, and in one case release, personally identifiable information (which is an actual, IRL crime btw!!!) should be PSB’d?


I call for the immediate resignation of Governor hxpyteddyy, Secretary Kamraxn, and Chief Investigator 1superchris2, a failure of this request will result in my immediate intent to submit a House resolution on the grounds of impeachment.


Let’s focus on the facts and not the twisting of those facts.

The fact is teddy took action not based on politics but out of protecting the people of this great state.


Request denied.


So PSBing people for messing around in private groupchats or effecting lawful arrest is ‘protecting the state’, but PSBing people for doxing is out of the picture?

Why was the Governor, someone with political interests, investigating this and not a neutral individual?

Why did the Governor order the harshest possible sanctions for minor violations (the only ones that really stick are ‘immaturity’) without consideration or review from any other party?

To call this anything but a political hit job is plainly wrong.


@Automationeer this should answer your question


Already broke it down line-by-line. Your prerogative to keep parroting deeply flawed points though.


Senior government officials are not often accused of this stuff everyday.

Everyone wanted to make sure that the decision stuck to the merits and would be bias free (which yh since you already accused myself and some others of bias).

In looking around if it was anyone else they would have had the same outcome.

Oh and numerous third parties reviewed and agreed with the decision.


Are you saying that the command structure of the Department of Public Safety isn’t competent enough to hear a matter which a Law Enforcement may or may not be in violation or policies or the Law?