DPS going too far, again

Very possible I sound like a dictator, assuming I’m running a department, and trying to keep tabs on 6 others. It would be pretty hard to not sound like a dictator once and awhile.

Or maybe I sound like a dictator because this is an idea you just don’t like.


1st off, you are helping us. You are trying to make SC safer with reports which can be reviewed by you, and I assume you would send them off to the courts for a warrant?

2nd, SCSO already has arrest reports, so no need to get triggered at this. Screenshot your arrests so you can have a list of people you arrested. Not that hard.

SCSO has tried getting rid of databases (Not wanting to do work) and has tried to get DPS to get rid of these arrests (Still lazy).

I say the arrest system is great.

Lieutenant Mxtt_Bear

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Its “alright” But DPS over stepping.

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  1. an arrest/citation log is made into the database so idk why they want this

  2. if you don’t want to forget details, write information on a notepad like cops irl

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bro this is perfectly within DPS’s power

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@mrfergie The arrest log is in their power. Prosecuting criminal cases isn’t. Besides, Fed already stated logs are going to be done in game here soon.


Prosecuting criminals is well within our power, so long as we abide by any other regulations set in place.

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Your jurisdiction is set to represent us in cases, not create them on our behalf.

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Seems like you have a lack of understanding of how dps works.


Feel free to elaborate your “understanding”.

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Thats what I do

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This is an interesting topic

Could LEOs not just have an ability to write down each arrest on a notepad program outside of the game, then proceed to add it to the database once they finish their patrol instead of having to leave and rejoin to make the times correct, Could they not just add in the times from their notes?

I don’t understand why it’s only a couple of people (their opinions are respected) who genuinely have valid points, then it’s everyone else who just hops on the bandwagon, because “oh my look i can be cool by hating on a department”. This isn’t DoBW, DPS actually does stuff and has a use in Firestone. DPS directives go through 8 people for approval, before it becoming mandated. If any of these people don’t agree, it’ll be re-written or denied.

All these petitions to abolish DPS and reform the are useless. It won’t be heard by any of Congress until it’s properly an issue. The arrest reports aren’t hard, they do not “take out of your patrol”, and frankly, if you don’t want to do the hugely simplified paperwork of an officer, you shouldn’t be in the LEO profession.

Just my humble opinion,

There are places where DPS can improve, like all departments. Tell them where they’re going wrong and they’ll probably fix themselves. No point in just yelling at them and spreading hate.