DOT Car lot needs to be trespassing

Thank you for this. If they are going to say that DPW has that, they should make the same for DOT. Majority of the time, the people are arrested and then they just respawn their car at CD.

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Last term they said if it is restricted then you can use lethal force. Idk why. I still think loitering is better.

@MichaeICalabrese I am working with a congressman to amend the criminal code and get this fixed.

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Thank you clone.

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im psure they made it that way because otherwise the places where it should be legal (FNG, feds, govs, etc) it wouldnt be. so yes it needs to be defined as loitering, or could be made a county law to not go in there and have its own fines and stuff.


@MichaeICalabrese That congressmen is Me :slight_smile:


@MichaeICalabrese Mark this as the solution then I think you can close this thread! :slight_smile: Hopefully it passes! A Bill to Protect the Firestone Department of Transportation


what the fuck does that bill even say

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The bill created by representative now23, needs to be reformed into more constructive wording. That bill should be nay if you guys have a committee and should not even pass the House. That bill looks like it came out a 3rd grader trash bin.


at best


To add insult to injury, he didn’t even bother to negotiate with other legislators like myself for further deliberation. I hope that legislation is effectively failed in the House and I disagree with this idea, just get law enforcement and ask them to remove the individual(s) if they are a nuisance to FDoT’s operations.


Oh damn. Also, @airplane1221 you mistaking, Clonemep and I made it. I made the base and Clone edited.

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you’re the representative, you didn’t even mention WHO enforces this law, WHO is exempt from this law, or atleast not stated visibly like other amendments…


We were both just following the format of the criminal code. The original bill that was created to establish loitering isn’t far from what we did.

Original Bill: Government Property Protection Act

You should be asking those types of questions for the original bill. We were simply just amending to it.


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The thing is, just reading this none of it is “not far from the original” when this current one is fucking heinous. As mentioned before you two leapt in with no consideration nor consultation from other legislators, and paired with a legislator known for his ineptness towards making legislation.

It fails to recognise those who need to pass through there on the grounds of safety, refuge, retrieval of owned vehicles, and in giving aid. It fails to actually deal with the situation it was meant for and fucks up the system already in place. The bill doesn’t need to be made as there is already legislation regarding the protection of DoT as it’s an offence to impede DoT operations, and can be easily considered failure to comply.

This legislation is honestly laughable. The state of current day legislators in comparison to those of old is abysmal.

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Not a county department so not really


As former DOT, I agree.


Ours is on the docket for now, if someone creates new legislation I wouldn’t be opposed to that. I personally don’t see any major problems with the legislation as that is how the rest of the bill is setup. If you have a problem with how ours is setup then rewrite the bill to have better definitions. I’m not even a congressman anymore. I came out and helped assist another congressman who needed help on the legislation. I’ve passed legislation before without directly consulting with congressman and I thought this bill was on track due to the fact that we copied the format of the original bill and the amendment made for FSP. Take it or leave it but at least we tried to solve the problem. :slight_smile:


I’d note that if you read the entire code and the rest of the chapter then our legislation does make more sense, the part you are seeing is lacking some context which is in the code. We are inserting our legislation into a small section within the scope of the criminal code.




I honestly hope that changes for V3, in which they add towing fees and impound fines and which they cannot respawn their vehicle.