Djf1107 for house april 2022 power to the people

If Iā€™ resign during my term. i hearby agree to be barred for life.
Heres some of my policy ideas

  • the recall amendment has a big hole that steals power from citzens, If a house member intros a explusion or impeachment and it fails that member cant be removed by the people. this enables the house the ability to protect its own. this power should be stripped from the bills text.
    -Citzens should be able to veto laws passed by the congress via pettion.
    *congress should be able to nullify any classaftion imposed by the governor
  • No Executive order should be allowed to last more then 30 days without being codifed by congress
    *pardons should be nullifable by 2/3rds vote of congress.
    *Congress should create a law school simliar to that of POST/FFA.
    I look forward to getting your vote.

Fantastic speech :woozy_face:


thank you.

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Respectfully, no support.

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is this serious or satire iā€™m genuinely not sure

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Views on orphans?

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no support

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no support

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thats a commerce question

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hate to inform you but the orphan keeper has resigned

Election over.