Declaration of War Against the Rogue State of Mayflower


November 24, 2024

Declaration of War Against the Rogue State of Mayflower

         Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Firestone in Congress assembled,


SECTION 1A: The State of Mayflower shall be defined as: State of Mayflower

SECTION 1B: The rogue State of Mayflower has declared a false-flag war on the State of Firestone. The State of Firestone attempted to resolve the issues peacefully but was met with a brick wall from Mayflower’s dictatorial government. The State of Mayflower furthermore sent missiles that hit Firestone soil, injuring many lives in Stapleton County. The State of Firestone will no longer stand still to these attacks and lack of diplomacy.

SECTION 1C: The State of Firestone shall officially enter war, as described by the constitution, with the State of Mayflower to defend itself from tyranny.


SECTION 2A: In accordance with Article IV, section II of the constitution, and a simple majority vote of both chambers, the Governor of the State of Firestone will have full authority to deploy the Firestone National Guard on foreign soil.

SECTION 2B: In response to a declaration of war by the State of Mayflower against the State of Firestone, the State of Firestone shall enter direct warfare with the State of Mayflower with the intent of irrefutable success.

SECTION 2C: The Governor may order the National Guard as to where to raid, attack, or otherwise harm the State of Mayflower. The Governor may also order the National Guard to defend, assist, or otherwise help the State of Firestone at home.

Respectfully submitted to the Congress of the State of Firestone,
Governor kyhuls


Lieutenant Governor thedamnfeds
Chief of Staff CoolPilotCaio1
Secretary of State Noobsiance
Speaker pro tempore MattSixtyNin
Senator PropMcRib
Senator Airboeing747
Representative legaalsp
Representative the_rpman