Decentralize the state

This is probably never, ever going to happen and its probably going to get mostly flak but, things like towing, public transportation, waste management, public cleanup etc. Should be privatized and run by the private sector. Now i’m not saying disband DOT or DPW entirely, rather that they should administrate said companies working in tandem with DoCM and they still have road projects to do etc. and this would give companies more things to do than just sit around at CD. Not only that, but opening up things like this to the corporate sector opens up more opportunities for a wide array of RP. Like opening a landfill and so and so company after doing there garbage route has to dump garbage at the Arbor Landfill. Idk, this is open for discussion i guess


yes i was wondering if something like this would ever happen, support


fed’s gonna say no

that communist




tbh I don’t really see a point

also fed will probably say no

and if he does say yes he will just leave the without dev support


I mean, that just wouldn’t function. The devs aren’t gonna sustain that and the game will suffer as a result.


idk about DOT/DPW becoming private sector jobs, but I believe that DOT should have the bus & taxi’s taken away and those other private sectors can operate them. This would help the transportation sector quite a bit because you’d see a increased activity of buses under private sectors rather then DOT which already has too many services. DOT currently is always called for towing/fixing vehicles, traffic lights and it’ll be like that in V3 aswell (atleast I assume)


nah, it should continue to be a state DOT and DPW. that’s realistic and works well for us.

on another hand, i don’t understand why those departments are under DPS

i find it even more mind boggling that DHS, which is a supervisory agency in itself, is under DOD. same with FBI, and an argument can be made for FNG too. what’s the purpose? they function fine on their own.


the idea of private ownership is good but unfortunately, there are no incentives for creating/maintaining a business in firestone. you may get a team and one tool but besides that, you’re not earning anything from the whole ordeal. it’s not worth your time to spend hours of your day controlling a company that’ll earn you $0, especially since business is based on greed. greed is a natural thing and pushes people to innovate so they can get more out of their life, but in firestone, you have little to work towards. what are you going to get running a giant business here? a yacht you’ll never use and a car that offers nothing but more speed.


Feds gonna say no,

But idk


eh, the idea of dot losing the buses and bus businesses becoming a thing has been talked about but i think that making the WHOLE of dpw/dot private is a tad excessive

and plus, fed gonna pull a fat NO




FBI is under the DOJ and not DOD questionmark?

National Guard being under DOD makes sense, and DHS being under DOD is due to its role in State Security which we oversee.


fbi being under doj must be recent? when the EO was made it was placed under the DOD.

DHS doesn’t need a supervisory agency. There were literally 0 issues with it functioning on its own. Same with FNG. The state security council provides sufficient communication and coordination within the agencies. (or theoretically should)


Yeah but how about nah.


In real life, atleast in most areas in the states, public transportation is run by the municipalities or the states depending on where you look. For example, in New York, the buses (and taxis and subways for that matter) are all under the Metropolitan Transit Authority, which is run by the city. Sure you have companies like greyhound, but they don’t operate in the sense Firestone busses do, going stop to stop. So buses being under DOT isnt really the most unrealistic aspect. Maybe if a seperate transit department was created instead which ran things like buses, taxis and v3 trams this could work out better.


I think this is just gonna create a rather confusing mess when it comes to departments and the like in Firestone. DPW and DOT will still exist to oversee their respective companies-while those companies are still under the eye of DOCM-who advises who? Who regulates who in this sense? And because those companies would be under DOCM then that would basically render DOT and DPW useless as a whole.

Now I do agree with taking DOT and DPW out of the DPS sector and making them completely independent departments all together. DOT and DPW being under DPS make no logical sense whatsover just due to the nature of DPS’s operations in county (not to mention that these departments would not at all be under DPS irl). The job of DPS is to ensure public safety, it shouldnt be responsible for policing tow drivers with pepper spray. I can see them overseeing LEA’s because those employed by LEA’s have standard issue Firearms and the ability to make arrests, and are capable of being an actual threat to public safety. An example of this would be a new SCSO Deputy who has a mano county level of understanding with the law and proper procedures who lights up some kid because he got spit on or arrests someone for 900 seconds because he ran a red. Not tow drivers or garbage truck operators who are really only capable of OC’ing someone when they arent supposed to.


This exists in one of those UK groups and it works quite well but it won’t work in Firestone.


YES! we’re not a SOCIALIST country where everything is run by the STATE! I’ve said it before I’ll say it again THE FREER THE MARKET THE FREER THE PEOPLE! privatize these sectors immediately!

(wouldn’t work in firestone LOOOOOOL)


Without states support both of them will fall and be dictated by a CEO who basically dont have to follow rules because it would be “their sector”