Dadudeds for House

ill keep it simple

im a two-time runner-up for senator and 3rd place lieutenant governor candidate

i come to you today seeking your support and vote for me to join the firestone house, where all the new politicians go to die.

ive got some relevant experience:

  • Former Deputy Attorney General
  • Assistant Secretary of State
  • Former Senate Clerk
  • Highly esteemed and uncontroversial BCA (totally)
  • yapping with the senate

ive written some laws before (they passed!) and im very familiar with our legislature and legislative system, so no procedural errors on my part!

i know i havent been a legislator before, but i will do my best to work with the rest of the house to get things done, and done well. in my time working as an attorney and working for the state, i have worked to keep our government in check and protect the people’s rights, and i will continue to do so. i wont make some grand promise to be the best representative since 2016, because pretty much nobody can promise that, but i can and do promise to listen to what the people want and need and be an active legislator that works to improve our state.

also ill keep a check on the deep state cabal in the house, like ive done my entire career. we will bring this house back to being the greatest chamber in firestone!

thank you for your consideration. dadudeds for house 2025!

/s/ dadudeds

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Support! This man is a legal professional. I have worked with him for many years and he is dedicated to improving our State and taking down the Deepstate.

i spent a while in the deep state so i know the deep state

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at this point in the house’s decline the main reason to support me is to fix the house, not even on legislative plans

which is an extraordinarily depressing moment for this state

Support. And, something that’s increasingly rare for me to say, endorsed.

You’re really annoying and can exhibit stupid behaviours, but you’re also bright and actually bring a unique perspective unlike most annoying/stupid people (which would be useful to have in congress).


support .




best uscg quartermaster i know. support.


I support Dadudeds for House.

man this guy STINKS

support and endorse

support myself because im stupid and miscounted

support as the result of the circumstances in the house.
