Czarfulness for House of Representatives

Good evening, friends and fellow citizens. I am once again running for the House of Representatives. A lot of you might be wondering who I am - and I don’t blame you. I haven’t been in the public light very often when it comes to Firestone in the past two years. I was a former Representative in 2016, from June to the first of October. Since then, I have observed the shift in Firestone politics and have decided to once again run to implement some much needed reforms.


  • Former Representative in the State of Firestone.

  • Former Representative in the State of Rockport.

  • Lots of positions within Ro-Nations; too many to list. Currently serving as the Chief Justice in the PRC.

The inactivity of the House is something that should be seriously addressed. During my previous term in the House, I rarely missed sessions. I fully plan on being active once again and attending every session, as well as expelling any inactive Representatives, no matter if I support them or not. I currently have no plans on running for Speaker of the House, however I am open to working with the next Speaker of the House on this issue.

The DoJ is another issue that needs some serious work. This issue cannot be solved using legislation alone, and requires cooperation between all three branches of government to ensure a satisfactory result. As such, I hope to work with the Attorney General, Chief Court Justice, and the Governor to achieve the best possible outcome in terms of the DoJ.

Finally, I’m committed to doing the things I’ve always done. I never have, and will never tolerate corruption in any branch of government, and I am always open to working with other representatives to ensure the best outcome for citizens. If you have any suggestions for me, don’t hesitate to contact me on discord. I look forward to hearing from you. peak#4350

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Chief Slixtro
Homeland Security

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Just so there is no confusion, I did just change my username to SpencerMercer.


I support.

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Signature Deadline. Stay tuned for voting (will be announced on FS discords).

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