Criminal Activity: Counterfeit Money


If you’re a criminal, the only ways you can make money are by sitting and money farming at CD or robbing banks and stores. This is the reason for this post. I’m thinking about the addition of counterfeit money printers. This is how I imagine it to work:
-You buy a money printer from drumann for around 500-1k.
-You go to some sort of office supply store and buy ink and paper (maybe around 250 for the both of them)
-You set the printer in a place by holding it out and clicking it on the ground
-You take out the paper and ink and press n the machine fueling it with the things it needs
-After about 5 minutes, It prints out around 2000-10000 dirty money
-From then on, you can either go to a store such as bloxmart or something like that and launder the money instantly notifying police sort of like an atm robbery. If successful you receive the full amount that the printer prints out.
-You give the dirty money to the guy you give it to for banks but he only gives you around 40-50 percent of the money you give him.
-You can keep re-stocking the printer and you won’t have to buy one after each time it creates money. You wouldn’t be able to place more than 2 at a time though since we all know what would happen then.
Please let me know what you think of this idea. I feel like it’d be a great thing for criminals to have and it would give both FBI and SS more things to do which would be nice.


DarkRP money printer base


in most dark RP’s, the first print (between 2-5 minutes) gives HALF the value of item and setup cost. I think it should be the same way here. Cause 5 minutes for 10k with a VERY low risk of getting caught (its stored in your inventory, so just take it to the corner of the map) is a LITTLE much imo.

but in general, support.


Instead of stating “Support” please leave a heart instead as it helps @anon54114525 see it being praised.

@Catalyst_0 @ADMIRAL_RICKY


maybe have like set boundaries for where they can be placed


Hearts say nothing. They mean to many things across the internet. Besides, it opens the chance to add on to your support, such as further ideas or criticisms.

I like to say support since it may not matter to a developer, but it will be a great way to open a paragraph adding onto the original post.

Edit: and if I have nothing TO add, it will let the original poster know I’m not just liking since I want to be like cranky or zpoilot, who like basically everyone’s posts at this rate.

1 Like

ok time to actually debunk some of the things you said

Literally we stated it multiple times. you can comment criticism or improvement all you want but doesn’t remove the fact you saying support with nothing is useless.

Its development suggestion for a reason… Its literally meant for developers and the original poster can just see the likes as it equates to support…

2 people != the entirety of the forums


Saying “support” means nothing, it adds absolutely nothing to the conversation and it only pushes the actual useful comments down to the bottom of the thread.