CrazyConzieYT for Senate!

absolutely not

you are one of the worst leaders and a giant fucking asshole for what you’ve done in fng

fix yourself, act like a gentleman, then maybe run for office


Aww thanks

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To go off of what Kat said, throughout this entire time, you’ve been nothing but unprofessional. You are arguing that you want to go against the somehow “communist tyrant” members in Congress, but you are not proving your point at all. Your whole campaign is honestly a meme. If you showed yourself as a competent leader and actually took it a bit seriously, I’d actually support you.

Throughout this entire time, you’ve been screaming idiotic statements. If you came up to us professionally, gave valid points to your argument, and presented it in a way where we would respect you, then I would gladly listen to you and have a civil conversation with you, but until you fix yourself, I will not take any of your requests or statements into consideration. My DMs are open and we can gladly speak about this whenever you’re ready.


I do not need to reiterate on my previous points; you voted for a tyrannical bill which prevented the public from exercising their democratic rights and equal opportunities. As such, I can gladly call you far-left communist SCUM.

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and then there’s shit like this, you speak out of your ass and can’t do anything but insult others


I said this to you earlier in this post and I will say it again, I DID NOT attend the session that voted for the bar.

Also, I am a right leaning conservative. I am NOWHERE close to being a communist. Thank you very much.

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You are a typical Bush-era neo-“conservative” who, in actual reality, is the complete opposite.

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Thank you for sharing your thoughts and true feelings!

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Alright. You’re just continuing to prove our points, so. From this point on, I will not acknowledge anything that comes from you.

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I shall deeply miss your contributions to the debate.

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Full support! Make Firestone better!


Agreed. We must NOT let communist totalitarianism take HOLD of the state.

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So uhm i was gonna jokingly support the campaign because we have q near similar name but after reading this thread its a hard pass chief.

Ly and gl on future endeavors


Sir, I appreciate you taking your time to read this post and I thank you for doing so. However, you must not let yourself be fooled by these far-left communists. The time has come for Firestone’s silent majority to peacefully rise up and object this nonsense.

Good day.

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Honestly i wasn’t expecting a civil response (i rarely do)

Even though this is one of the very few civil responses i’ve recieved, i still cannot stand by your candidacy.

Thanks for being a nice guy, gl



pls dont make senators do google classroom for historical context on bills though


at the house session, you kept talking out of turn and wouldn’t listen to the presiding officer or sergeant at arms. will this happen if ur elected?

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User on ballot. Voting here.