views on gays??
The Cooldudesub campaign now has merch courtesy of DyingSym!
clearly you have no idea what the word “excpection” means.
did you finally come off of auto’s leash btw??
I literally don’t know what you’re on about. Danny was saying that, not me. I was simply asking your opinion on it lol
well exceptions would be put in place, and id work with other senators to figure out those exceptions.
support nice legal man
Do you believe this is in the public interest or widely desired by the electorate? In the nicest way possible what’s the actual point in allowing it? From what I’ve heard from some people, it’d just cause chaos essentially.
I support allowing it on private property, I am tired of seeing these amazing businesses being shot up. Open carry in businesses would help prevent innocent people dying.
Despite the fact concealed carry is already permitted? How would transitioning from concealed carry to open carry allow for greater defence?
It would make a presence.
Full support
I support
support for this mad lad
this guys cool