Colonel Nomination

difference there was bear didn’t have transportation experience (although i still think he was a solid pick)

ft has a shit ton of LEA and legal experience, he’s for sure qualified. i believe the main motivator for taking someone outside of FSP was that many people believe their issues are still very existent internally, and that someone from the outside would better be able to look at it from an objective view and handle it


bear was also nominated from the outside as POST Director, and there was no controversy, so what has changed in a year


bear was former deputy director…?


ive been various roles in post like 1000’s of times so bit different


and it is what it is, ft will do a good job so


I find that it’s more productive to engage individuals with experiences outside of the service that holds the vacancy, which is mostly the practice of many executive nominations in real life, as the service head only oversees the implementation of certain practices and policies, allowing their staff (who are oftentimes longstanding members within the service) the ability to implement and carry out such policies and practices.

But to add on, I have noticed some concerns throughout this forum post’s replies regarding the standard to which the Firestone State Patrol has been held to in the public eye and would like to extend a hand in allowing anyone to contact me with regards to these issues. I currently serve as the Captain of Training for the state patrol and throughout the last year, we have received feedback from staff and trainees alike that significant progress has been made in terms of the initial state patrol academy’s standards of practice and the overall environment of the training division as a place of work.

I find that these issues of accountability stem, not from the training division itself, but from individual troopers once they are released from the restrictive bounds of the training division as a probationary trooper, where they may be removed from training for whatever reason by waiving their right to challenge in their application. This allows training division staff the ability to oversee conduct in a more meaningful capacity and hold these individuals to a higher standard. However, I am more than willing to listen to the thoughts of individuals who believe that there is something that we at the training division can do to better prepare our candidates and troopers for service.

I encourage anyone who would like to speak with me or observe the training division’s functions within our Discord server (which, unfortunately, has limited access) to direct message me (AlexanderThorold#3856), as I would very much like to improve the transparency of the standards of practices within the state patrol and how they are perceived by the public.

Best wishes,
Captain of Training
Firestone State Patrol

I hope it’s acceptable and not bothersome if I cc certain individuals who I believe might be interested in this reply.
CC: @Clonemep @Toastee_RBLX @Tuffy29 @Automationeer @Kamraxn @twit4tat @Minecraftcaleb53


too bad my boy blockey cannot get a chance to prove his worth at running FSP. Of course friends holding each others hands. Like I’ve stated before too much friend holding around FS and the reason certain departments slack or whatnot.


I can understand and respect this view, as I believe it should be a balance of fresh-ideas and familiar faces.


Facts, tbh It’s a slap in your guy’s faces because there is such great talent in FSP that could easily turn this department around. But unfortunately, 1 bad apple has to ruin it for all where the 1 person who has the power to fix things legit outsources without even giving you guy’s a chance. But hey, I guess we can witness what happens next I guess.


For me I was really trying to understand why everyone else in FSP was overlooked. I was asking the Governor about said concerns in the Congressional chat. From what I was told “Code voiced concerns about Blue” and so fourth, when asked what those concerns were, I was greeted with I wouldn’t be given an answers, followed up by some trolly speech about smoke an mirrors. I asked because I like Ftlicious and I wanna fully understand why someone who has recent experience in the department wasn’t chosen over someone who has no recent tenure in said department.


What are the problems with current command from this audit specifically. I hate the “We found problems but we cant mention what those problems are” ideals i keep seeing.


What were these concerns?


Yes, however Code apologized and took back what he said about DevBlue99.


ft will do 100% better than almost anyone Inside of fsp. Scso was in a shit spot and it was fixed from someone outside. It’s time to see that happen here.




couldnt have said it better


As a former member of FSP, I’ll confirm that FSP will surely be in better hands with ft then anyone else in current FSP High command


I believe @Cuxle was the best colonel FSP has ever had and he should take the position once again.


stolen meme All the memes and puns thread! - #4028 by Clonemep