Code_Law for the House of Representatives



support <3


I explained this in your dms and I’ll explain it here.

Out of all the internal polls I did I had 90-80% approval and 80% being the worst
It is true my level of activity decreased toward the end of my term but people still approved of me that was in FSP of course

That poll was created from the audit that the governor announced

And if your basing my 1+ Year of leadership on that poll you’re delusional Senator.


And then again,


I’d say it’s pretty relevant as it represents the culmination of your work in FSP as the department head over an entire year.
That’s not to mention that your internal polling was not 80-90% approval either as you claim, as a little birdy came to me with those numbers too which show it at less than 50%. (That’s not even addressing the fact that is your approval rating among your own employees)

If looking at those numbers and coming out with the conclusion that your time in office wasn’t great makes me delusional, then that is a title I will gladly take.

Not trying to brag, but the point is, your term wasn’t great, and it’s relevant.


internal polls include a lot more bias they are more inaccurate than a public poll that entire active community can participate in, not your just friends!


As I said senator I fallen in decreased activity toward the end of my term, that poll wasn’t for whole time I was Colonel within the Firestone State Patrol,

I have done a lot of beneficial things for the Firestone State Patrol, with revamping the Training Division the Firestone State Patrol saw a decreased number of weeks Department of Safety Cases, than we had before. I introduced policies, I brought up. And you can’t say I was one of the worst when I have literally been in office for over a year with Many Governors governing the state all of them could’ve have the opportunity to dismiss if I did truly slip up. But again toward the end of my term I did.


You do know 98% of people voted wernt in fsp and there was another poll announced for FSP only. This was said multiple times but you shouldn’t be basing off the public poll because some people just hate FSP for no reason and or hated code for no reason


Did you even read what I said?


Ok but you shouldn’t be taking word for word unless they have evidence to back it up


If your argument defending your tenure as Colonel is “but other Governors didn’t fire me!” I guess I need to explain basic politics to you. The Firestone State Patrol is one of the largest departments in the state, and with it comes a massive voting bloc that any political hopeful would love to have.

Even after the rather unfavorable audit and subsequent report (which had over half of your own department voting to remove you from your post), Ninwin only demoted you to Major rather than firing you. Quoting verbatim from the audit report: “[T]he department is in dire need of a refreshed leader. Public approval of the department is abysmal”
And this isn’t even addressing the whole mess that was the Senate confirmation to replace you!

You were not fired by other Governors simply because it was too much of a hassle to replace you rather than deal with a poorly functioning FSP as evidenced through the circus that was confirming Ftlicious. Great job!


They’re a person I trust, and they have the evidence to back it up. I wouldn’t discuss it if they didn’t.


Ok but anyone could lie about it even if you trust them lmao


they had evidence which the evidence was most likely the screenshotting of the polls lol


˙sǝʌᴉʇɐʇuǝsǝɹdǝɹ ɟo ǝsnoH ǝɥʇ ɹoɟ ʍɐ˥‾ǝpoƆ ǝsɹopuǝ ʎlɐᴉɔᴉɟɟo I


I like what you did there taking the one of the many things I said in that statement to twist it to make me sound childish, I really don’t care for your opinion on how I ran the Firestone State Patrol, I know and many others know I did many beneficial things fir the Firestone State Patrol. If I ran the Firestone State Patrol so terribly as you point out as “It represents the culmination of your work in FSP as the department head over an entire year.” I am saying if that were true I would’ve been dimissed by the Former Governors.

The public never decided my faith, based on that poll. It was my High Command and the Governors (Hecc and Ninwin) that decided the next course of action. I chose to be demoted to be major not the public. There were
many things that happened behind closed doors.

Being Colonel of the Firestone State Patrol is only part relevant for my experience as a candidate for the House Of Representatives, I believe and many other people do is that I ran the Firestone State Patrol to the best of my abilities. And brought many beneficial changes still in use today,


total opposite


support xoxoxoxoxo

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you have my vote, support