Auto Ban if someone logs while in cuffs

Aren’t we all tired of those who log? A lot of Troopers are. It would be more helpful instead of having to take a screenshot and sending it to a dev.


There needs to be a better system in place to stop loggers


If someones internet goes down or they glitch out of game?


If someones internet goes down or they glitch out of game?

Yeah, exactly the reason I don’t like these types of systems. If someone accidentally disconnects then they are gone. Innocent until proven guilty, not guilty until proven innocent.



thats why there is the appeal system


Support to this


Drien is right, otherwise, what’s the point of having an appeal system, ey? I fully support this idea, would prove useful.




It’s wrong, not everyone actualy logs think about it, you disconnect and you get banned how would that be fair? think long term not short term…


The thing is, they have no way to prove their internet went out.


… Yes you do it’s called an IP server it can determine when the wireless/or ewire or whatever it’s called when and why the server crashed, and or your IP history and things like that can tell you what happened.


i dont think roblox can track that for privacy reasons…


Alright, my time to shine.

So, with the way the system if someone logs/disconnects, that’s it they’re gone. A lot of people have been sending requests to the development to have these people banned. On top of that, there’s a glitch that we’re aware of when people reset/leave while in cuffs, the arresting officer gets glitched - the only way out of this being to reset or hit shift (though this doesn’t stop the animation). Yeah, as it is now it’s a huge hindrance; not only to you guys, but for us as well.

In the future, this won’t be the case (don’t quote me on the following btw, I can’t promise anything at this time). What I have planned is that when someone leaves while in cuffs, you can still continue to arrest them without any issue; it’s like they’re still in game. If they show a pattern of leaving while in cuffs, we might take that to a ban.
Now, if they reset while in cuffs? That’s a big no-no, and I have plans for that too. I’ll either have it auto-ban them or just automatically add 900 seconds or so to their jail time. I can’t speak for other devs, but when people come to me with ban requests for loggers I usually can’t be bothered to take care of it since I’m busy working on other things.

I do personally thank you for your suggestion; the development team hears all, and sees all (whether we respond or not).


Easy fix but likely subject to much lag.

Proposed idea:(I’m not familiar with all functional words in scripts, please forgive)

If someone is cuffed
Script gets name

every 5 seconds check to see if current individual is in cuffs
if same name is not present or lack of humanoid, send recorded name to a bot who will auto add to trellobans
elseif function imprison[or whatever it’s called] is run then no action taken
elseif function released [or whatever it’s called] is run then no action taken

Basically what the theory is is that as soon as someone is cuffed their name is recorded using a script and that the script will send the name to the banlist under the two exceptions of the imprisonment or release function.

Best Wishes,
-Mr. Law.


Please don’t spread false information


But what if someone is to be killed in cuffs? Will officers and suspects be invincible while in cuffs?


But there will be like a wait(30) on the gui to avoid corupts on having the gui on you waiting for you to do something

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Add in like a 5 second delay before you actually reset to stop people from reset logging.

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No, Reset button is disabled while in cuffs, bam.

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