Antador for the State Senate

Good afternoon, my name is Antador and I’ll be running for a seat on the Senate for this special election.

Recently, the legislature has been shown to be… off. There are a few decent people, however, some have shown themselves to be incapable of taking their office with grace. I won’t name names, but I believe we know who they are.

Thus, I will be running for the Senate in order to try and enact positive change in congress. Over the years I have taken a few postings of a political nature; I served once in the County Council and once as a Senator, along with serving as the Lieutenant Governor for Docklands prior to its collapse.

Other than that, I have served the community for many years here in Firestone via other means. I was in the SCSO, DHS and SCFD 3 times, FSP once and I have also served the Firestone National Guard for 3 long years in many capacities.

So, what do I propose to do as a Senator? Well, as I stated before, I want to enact positive change. Both legislative houses have been… tainted, so to speak, by many people who either don’t care about the responsibility, want power, or both. This has lead to many bills that are there solely for the purpose of there being a bill. In the words of Tacitus, “the more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws”.

I intend to assist the municipal government by finally pushing Congress from the inside to give them something to do. After all, why call something useless and then not work to give it a use? I also intend, as was previously stated, to try and enact positive change in Congress. We need to get rid of bad actors in one of the highest authorities in our state, because if they continue to sully what should be a good name, then it’ll just continue to get worse.

I’m not gonna go on for the next half hour or make empty promises.

FNG Lieutenant and Senate Hopeful




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Shut up delta also I support

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I support

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yes support

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