An Act to Remove Felony Evasion from the Criminal Code

An Act to Remove Felony Evasion from the Criminal Code


Section 1: The Criminal Code shall be amended.

Section 1A: The Criminal Code shall be defined as
Section 2: Chapter I Section III of the criminal code shall be nullified.

Section 3: Chapter I Section II shall be amended.

Section 3A: Chapter I Section II subsection (a1) is currently defined as:

“The act of evasion shall be the act of willfully evading law enforcement in a vehicle without risking the public or property, or a person with the authority to execute the law as prescribed by the Constitution, in an attempt to resist penalization for offenses committed, or in an attempt to evade detainment.”

Section 3B: Chapter I Section II subjection (a1) shall now state:

“The act of evasion shall be the act of willfully evading law enforcement in a vehicle with or without endangering the public or one with the authority to execute the law as prescribed by the Constitution, in an attempt to resist penalization for offenses committed, or in an attempt to evade detainment.”

Section 3C: Chapter I Section II shall be redefined as a Class A Misdemeanor.

Section 4: This legislation shall go into effect upon being passed from both chambers of Congress and signed by the Governor.

Respectfully submitted to the House of Representatives of the State of Firestone,

Chief Sponsor(s):
The Right and Hon. Representative, Brentvx

Citizen and former Representative, TheMatthew_RBLX
The Right and Hon. Speaker pro tempore, OliverSteph

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