An Act to Give Criminals Reformative Employment Opportunities




(a) THAT, individuals with a criminal background within the State of Firestone be given new reformative opportunities.

(1) THEREBY, the ‘No Citizens Left Behind Program’ shall be disbanded, therefore declared null and void.

  1. The ‘No Citizens Left Behind Program’ shall be defined as: Trello

(2) THEREBY, the ‘Reformative Employment Opportunities Program’ shall be established and prescribed within § 2.


(a) THAT, the ‘Reformative Employment Opportunities Program’, or ‘REOP’ for short, be established.

(1) THEREBY, the ‘Board of Criminal Rehabilitation’ shall be established to manage the functionality of such a program.

  1. The board shall consist of (1) ‘Chairperson’ that will be occupied by an individual nominated by the incumbent Governor of the State of Firestone and confirmed by the Senate if it is vacant.

  2. The appointed individual must meet the following requirements:

    1. be an official citizen of the state;

    2. hold no active criminal record;

    3. hold at least (12) months of law enforcement experience or at least (6) months of lawyering experience within the state;

    4. not actively employed within ‘FDoT’ or ‘FDPW’;

      1 . ‘FDoT’ shall be defined as: Firestone Department of Transportation - Roblox
      2. ‘FDPW’ shall be defined as: Firestone Department of Public Works - Roblox

  3. If the appointed individual fails to meet all requirements, per this legislation, they shall not be recognized as the ‘Chairperson’ of the board.

  4. The board shall also consist of (1) state official, an incumbent legislator, and that if such position is vacant, the ‘Chairperson’ of the board shall appoint one.

  5. The board shall also consist of the incumbent Attorney General, per this legislation, they shall be a part of this board accordingly.

  6. The board shall also consist of the incumbent FDoT Secretary and incumbent FDPW Secretary, per this legislation, they shall be a part of this board accordingly.

  7. The board shall be tasked with overseeing this program, ensuring that it functions properly and convening to discuss certain matters relating to this program, etc.

  8. The board shall, per this legislation, be vested with the ability to implement designated rules to the program, admit qualified individuals to the program, remove admitted individuals from this program for any just and coherent reason, and blacklist individuals from joining the program for any just and coherent reason. All these actions require a majority vote within the board.

  9. The ‘Chairperson’ shall, per this legislation, be required to create a public release once every month updating the general public on its progress and current state on the program and the committee.

  10. The board shall be required to be fully occupied in order to hold any vote, any votes in absence of a fully occupied board will, per this legislation, not be recognized.

  11. If the Attorney General, FDoT Secretary, or FDPW Secretary positions are vacant, the Deputy Attorney General, FDoT Deputy Secretary, or FDPW Deputy Secretary shall temporarily occupy such positions within this board.

(2) THEREBY, the board shall only admit individuals who meet specific requirements set forth by this legislation into this program.

  1. These ‘specific requirements’ are:

    1. have not been in the program for more than (2) times;

    2. an official citizen of the state;

    3. hold a criminal record with at least (3) arrests, regardless of citations;

    4. have created a ‘statement of interest’, the board shall determine the competency of such statement;

  2. Further requirements can be set by the board collectively by a majority vote for each proposed requirement, these requirements can be removed through a majority vote as well, however, the requirements set forth by this legislation cannot be removed.

  3. The board may only admit a maximum of (15) qualified individuals, if a vacancy is open the board may admit a new qualified individual to occupy such.

(3) THEREBY, admitted individuals are to act accordingly whilst within the program.

  1. Admitted individuals are to avoid, whilst within the program;

    1. engaging in criminal activity;

    2. violating set rules by the board;

    3. being inactive within the program;

  2. Failing to abide by the above shall constitute a just and coherent reason for removal and blacklist.

(4) THEREBY, the program shall grant admitted individuals special opportunities within FDoT and FDPW.

  1. The program shall grant the following privileges:

    1. to ‘ride-along’ with FDoT or FDPW employees when available;

      1. a ‘ride-along’ shall be defined as a cooperative activity involving an admitted individual and employee engaging in departmental work;
    2. to wear FDoT or FDPW apparel whilst on a ‘ride-along’;

    3. this legislation shall protect admitted individuals from impersonation, however, if an admitted individual intentionally attempts to or does mislead law enforcement, they can be arrested accordingly, name must be shown as well in order to be officially protected;

    4. to be temporarily a part of both official FDoT and FDPW groups for the purpose of ‘ride-alongs’ and assisting partnered employees;

  2. Further privileges can be set by the board collectively with a majority vote for each proposed privilege, these privileges can also be removed through a majority vote, however, the privileges prescribed by this legislation cannot be removed.

  3. The ‘Chairperson’ can temporarily restrict an admitted individual’s privileges for any just and coherent reason.

(5) THEREBY, admitted individuals shall remain in this program until they are eligible for an expungement of their entire record.

  1. The board shall be tasked with ensuring that each ‘ride-along’ is appropriately recorded through textual or visual means.

  2. While in the program, admitted individuals can exercise their privileges whilst obedient to the designated rules set forth by the board.

  3. Upon conclusion of the (30) day trial, admitted individuals shall be given a ‘Certificate of Reformative Voluntary Service’ to recognize their work within this program. Such certifications cannot be revoked by the board. Upon such certification, they shall no longer be recognized as an admitted individual per this legislation.

(6) THEREBY, certain decisions made from the board can be brought up to the court of law through civil litigation.

  1. Admitted individuals may challenge a removal from the program or blacklist from the program within the court of law.

  2. All other decisions made from the board may be challenged within the court of law.


(a) THAT, this act shall be recognized as law upon:

  1. Passage within both legislative chambers of the state;

  2. Met with the signature of the incumbent Governor of the state;

    1. Upon the time of being met with such signature, this act shall take effect (1) day after that time.


SerZhukov, Esq.


UprisingAmerican, Esq.
Attorney General

Middle Class Citizen

Middle Class Citizen

Middle Class Citizen


JohnDRyans, Esq.



FDPW Secretary

FDoT Secretary


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