AestheticallyHappy Job Approval Poll


I wish to note that nothing came of this other than minor questioning by Representative CanadlanLaw, I was told “we didnt ask” by representative crankyluke.

I really want to address this head on (times are rough estimates and in EST)

Within 5 minutes of this office finding out (when I walked through my door at 1720), I was briefed by senior FNG and intelligence leadership on what had occurred. (1725)
Within 10 minutes I met with senior FNG leadership to discuss immediate plans. (1730)
Within 35 minutes a direct line to FNG members was established and this office released the first official statement regarding the incident. (1800)
Within 60 minutes the FNG had standing orders. (1835)
Within 2 hours the FNG rebuild began to occur (1900)
Within these 2 hours I submitted myself to investigation to the House of Representatives (see above) (1915)
Around this time, intelligence reached my desk that worriedchris intended to go rogue with the FNG groups and he was demoted out of a rank with power to do so within the main National Guard group. (1915)
(At this time FedoraMasterB98 was contacted expressing extreme concerns and to request his (worriedchris’) removal from the National Guard groups.)
Within 3 hours, the intelligence proved true, worriedchris went rogue with all FNG related groups (2000)
Within 3 hours, 1 minute, the 1MPB had standing orders on how to progress (2001)
Within 5 hours, worriedchris was banned and the groups were salvaged. (2150)
Within 5 hours, 15 minutes, all the groups were restored to their previous standings. (2210)
Within 6 hours a majority of documents were salvaged by those who kept backups. (2300)
Within 10 hours the majority of the rebuild was heavily progressing. (0200 09/30)
Within 14 hours I met with senior FNG leadership to again discuss what occurred over the past 12 hours and how we would move forward. (0600 - 1300 09/30)
Within 21 hours the Guard was addressed privately by myself (1400 09/30)
Within 21 hours, 30 minutes, an interim was selected in Colonel Antador (1430 09/30)
Within 36 hours the rebuild had, for the most part, concluded. (1000 10/01)
Within 48 hours a direct address to the people was delivered (2200 10/01)

To this hour the Guard is still progressing with those loyal to her and not to her leader nor myself.

I hold no ill wills against any individuals for the actions taken, we have rebuilt and forged on.


sorry was making sure my times were correct to the best of my abilities :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


cope !


you mean just hobo_bear?
(Declassified for the record)

Icey worked heavily on assisting in the rebuild until he left and was awarded for his valiant effort even with unkind departing words.
Bjohn and myself are still in communications to this day and to my knowledge, hold no ill wills towards each other. (who also mentioned that you took it too far)


The picture is redundant with the fact that there’s no context provided before that statement. Sure, he could be referring to Chris’s actions. But, he very well could be referring to your actions as well in regards to how far you took things, seeing how he also stated he’s advancing his retirement like everyone else did that did not agree with your actions. But that’s just my opinion

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lol fr

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In hindsight, should’ve posted the screenshot with full context, thats on me,

(Declassified for the record.)

one individual kept anonymous

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Thats cool and all, but what the fuck are you going to do about your reputation that has quite a large part of the public viewing you as a prick in chief rather than a leader?


Again, that’s redundant because there’s no context behind who’s actions he’s referring to.

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what a beautiful poll Chancellor Ash1835, I am sure you would not pass extra protections to give yourself power after declaring President AestheticallyHappy unfit for power during war time.

this has never before happened in history

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“My feelings were hurt :sleepy: :sleepy: what will you do to fix this Mr. President” Some of you are so genuinely pathetic it’s unreal, maybe all of them view him as a prick because they fucking refuse to read or consider anything he brings up to try and solve this issue.


(all your best friends)

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this is funny to watch unfold with my popcorn

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I’m super glad someone had noticed that. My mans harbored all his friends in FBI and NG and when Aes is the first Governor to crack down on his power, he gets defensive! And look! He raids because he’s mad he’s lost all his power!! :scream:

As I said and will always say, it’s the same stupid friend group of Fed that has control over everything around the state, and the one time a Governor has acted on it, they all start revolting and resigning because they think they can now get rid of the Governor. That’s how it’s always been. Worriedchris and Co. have always been able to control the Governor’s seat, and I’m sure with someone of his caliber, someone who runs Firestone’s Intelligence Service and Armed Forces, you would def have a crap ton of influence over a Governor and could potentially sway them wherever you want them to go. And look what happens, he tries to take everyone with him, tries to start a massive scene and raids all to try to take down the Governor with him. Glad I’m not the only one seeing that!

ok goodbye


sorry who are you, i only know a “ACCOUNT ARCHIVED”


account archived??

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Very well said actually, I’m glad someone else also sees beyond the ‘he saved firestone and exposed the villians’ shit sack story. I very much like how the Governor had a letter delivered for what he wanted Chris to work on in the department and he ended up raiding the entire guard’s assets, keeping documents for himself, and resigning to avoid working with the Governor.

I just think in simple terms this supports what you have mentioned Donald, although I resigned from my position in the Coast Guard because I no longer wished to work with Chris I didn’t hoard assets and damage the guard on purpose because I’m not a whiny bitch who needs to have my way. I transferred everything appropriately and set up zeppelin well to continue as Commandant (which he is now).

I said this months ago, Worried has to always be right and if you prove him wrong or go against him you will lose to his continous raining power and assets he has (friends, political figures, department strength, etc). In this case, he was pushed to fix various issues in the National Guard and when he was given orders (he doesn’t like being given orders!! or listening) he went rampant and destroyed assets and hoarded groups because he’s upset his and his friend’s jobs were threatened.

Even before this all happened in the National Guard it was the same way, if you opposed him you would not get anywhere, that’s why I left and gave my position to someone else because I could not be bothered to work under his shitty friends and administration itself. I didn’t HOARD documents like a little pussy because I didn’t get my way.

Being a hypocrite is something else I wanted to talk about, in Chris’s document he releases the Coast Guard server (for whatever reason to target everyone who resigned which did nothing) I will say we had fun in that server, Coast Guard was family and that was the place where we all bonded. I could give a shit less what anyone thinks of what gifs or text was posted because you aren’t gonna change shit. More so what is aggravating is Chris posted or participated multiple times, he’s not your innocent savior so quit D-riding him for ‘exposing’ the bad guys.

Lastly, I wanted to speak about his ‘exposing of the Blue Lobster cult’ :joy: which is the corniest exposing I’ve ever seen. That group is a reactor map that has no affiliation to the state which is hilarious, it was a map myself and two others created in February.


blue lobster cult

best gang name fr

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my guy why dont you go live your life, you just got banned from FS and you’re still here on the forums trying to start shit. just go live your life you’re finally free :sob:

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Shut up, let the man speak