Aersights for House of Representatives

Hello fellow citizens,

I have come back to the House of Representatives to hopefully gain more experience within government. I have great much respect to all people. The people voices matter, not Political politician’s. I have believed from the start that when I took office back in May that I learned to listen to the people. Even though none of my bills passed due to poor writing, all bills that I proposed did in fact come from the people’s interest. I had to resign a few weeks ago due to account problems, but I fixed my problems and now am back to bring the voice back. I fully agree with CongressionalDefend on brining the voice back to the people, not politicians. Let’s bring the strength of Firestone back to the people. I know right now I “sound like a person to run for himself.” I get that. But that’s not who I am. I hope we can bring strength to Firestone.

We have had so many bills that were unaccounted for, an inactive congress, and many problems we faced last term. I feel we can accomplish everything we need to do from last terms agenda from Congress that was not accounted for to bring back to this Congress to be accounted for. As well as the new agenda we will bring to this term.

Thank you,
God bless Firestone.

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No support, you didn’t put effort into posting this. You didn’t write your plans or anything.


Of course sir. I forgot all about my plans.


  • Making fair Legislation for all People

  • Revising Poor and Outdated Legislation

  • Working with other Members of Legislation

  • Listening to the People and to all Ideas

  • Prevent Corruption

More to come.

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support, all competent candidates should be allowed to run to increase competition

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Second Support,

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Seventh Support!

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Eight Support!

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Ninth Support!

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I support my man

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NO support. You went corrupt and claimed you own the business that I owned in another state. You’ve failed laws based off of bogus claims.


What kind of legislation will you put in place?

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Do you want to prevent corruption yet are corrupt. Hm. Also, how have you fixed your previous last term?

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poorly written, has loopholes. what experience do you have? what are your plans?

for future reference, outline things. dont just give us paragraphs and make us search for things.

format it so its easier for us to understand so we don’t have to examine your speech to truly get the message.

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I understand, sorry for not responding to you all,

  1. Legislation such as Transportation Protection that protects trespassing in drop off area except when grabbing your vehicle.

  2. I would not state that I am corrupt, I have gained more knowledgeable about government to proceed again.

x1 Representative last term resigned due to account problems.
x2 Senator
x2 Correctional Officer
x1 Deputy
x2 Probationary Trooper

  1. Plans are in the paragraph,
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