Add pedestrian signals bike signals and bike lanes and bus signals and lanes


I kinda think this would be a new and safe idea to add to v3. Lets start off with pedestrian signals, in real life we cross the street we click buttons to cross the road. Well in FS we don’t have that feature. We should have pedestrian signals to safely cross the street. And 2nd is bike lanes and bike signals. We should have separate bike lanes because I feel like it would be way more safer for bikers who want to ride bikes and not in the middle of the street. There should also be bike signals so the bikers can cross on a separate system then on ped systems. And last of all is bus lanes and signals. Bus lanes would be a very good idea because it would improve traffic flow because you are removing busses to a separate lane. It could also make boarding the bus safer because cars dont have to wait for the bus to move and go and block the intersection. The last of all is bus signals. Bus signals are kind of like normal car signals. This would make travel alot safer.


As mentioned previously, we use an external plugin which limits how we can make traffic lights. Apologies.


I don’t expect v3 to be that forward thinking. I doubt this will happen, although I have advocated for pedestrian signals in particular during my time here–to no avail.

Bus lanes may become a thing as buses are getting a revamp in technology, but I honestly don’t even know if commuter bikes (not mountain bikes) are going to be a thing.

EDIT: Oh, and I don’t think I’ve made this clear enough, but the DEVELOPERS FOR V3 should at least take some consideration into the legal fucking concepts behind their poorly designed intersections. There’s so many conflicting pedestrian and vehicular signals already present in v3, that I will detail them when v3 is released after I make a full report about v2.
Please, stop putting green arrows at every T-intersection without thinking about pedestrians and stop with the overcomplicated intersections…


bike cops, no balls

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we need the uhm what do you call it, the thing on traffic lights where it tells pedestrians whether to walk or stop because sometimes when people use the crosswalk in v2, the light will turn green and the people waiting will get angry at you. idk whats it called but when its walking its a white person on the screen and when its not walking its a red hand


yes sounds cool

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support but gotta be careful in bike lanes, because criminals will probably be running bikers over every minute

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