A Senate Resolution to Re-Establish Standing Rules


January 21st, 2025



Be it enacted by the Senate of the State of Firestone in Congress assembled,


  1. This resolution shall be deemed effective once all conditions outlined by the constitution necessary for its passage are fulfilled properly.
  2. This resolution shall be enforced by the President of the Senate and President pro tempore.
  3. A Senate Resolution to Impose Standing Rules shall be repealed.
  4. The “Motion to Call the Previous Question” as defined in Joint Standing Rules of Congress shall be renamed the “Motion for Cloture”.

SECTION II: Documentation of Order Regarding the Receiving of Legislation

  1. Submission of Legislation
       1.1. A channel shall exist in the Official Firestone Congressional Discord in which Senators may submit legislation.
           1.1.1. The “Official Firestone Congressional Discord” designation shall be symbolic. Any Discord designated by the President of the Senate as the Official Discord may be considered valid.
       1.2. All legislation submitted by the Senate must be on the State of Firestone Forums, found at https://forums.stateoffirestone.com/.
          1.2.1. Exceptions may occur in instances where:
    The legislation is too long to fit into one forum post; or
    The President of the Senate or President Pro Tempore determines an exception should be made.
       The President of the Senate may overrule the President Pro Tempore to allow legislation on another platform.

  2. Processing of Legislation
       2.1. The Docket of the Senate shall be established on a Trello. The Trello must include the Lieutenant Governor and the Founder to be considered valid. The President of the Senate shall determine the official Docket in accordance with order of priority.
          2.1.1. Should no valid Trello exist, the Docket may temporarily be housed in a document accessible to all Senators.
       2.2. After the legislation is received, a presiding officer shall promptly add the legislation to the Senate Docket.
          2.2.1. Legislation may not be intentionally excluded from the Docket without the consent of the author.
          2.2.2. Legislation on the Docket may be classified into three priority categories:
    High Priority
    Medium Priority
    Low Priority
          2.2.3. Legislation will be presented to the Senate in the order of priority unless determined otherwise by appropriate motion.
          2.2.4. Senators may request that their legislation have priority, and the presiding officers shall determine said priority with the President pro tempore having final determination on priority.

  3. Trello of the Senate
       3.1. The Senate shall have an official Trello Board as prescribed by the President of the Senate.
       3.2. The Trello shall contain cards or lists with the following:
          3.2.1. The President of the Senate
          3.2.2. The President Pro Tempore
          3.2.3. The Clerk(s) of the Senate
          3.2.4. All incumbent Senators
          3.2.5. All oaths taken during the term
          3.2.6. All sessions of the Senate during the term
          3.2.7. A list for Trello Voting (Section II.2)
       3.3. Legislation on the Docket may be tabled at the author’s request or through a Motion to Table, as passed by the Senate.

  4. Committee Assignments
       4.1. If a Committee resolution does not specify the process for appointments, the President of the Senate may:
          4.1.1. Host elections for Committee seats.
          4.1.2. Appoint Senators to Committees.
       4.2. The President may delegate this task to the President Pro Tempore.

SECTION III: Conventions of the Senate How Taken

  1. Sessional Bulletins
       1.1. A Sessional Bulletin shall be created following each Senate session. It shall include:
          1.1.1. The Presiding Officer of the session.
          1.1.2. The author of the Bulletin.
          1.1.3. The Senators present at the session.
          1.1.4. The date of the session.
          1.1.5. Articles passed, failed, or tabled during the session and the votes of each present Senator on each item.
       1.2. The Clerk of the Senate shall be responsible for the accurate and timely maintenance of the Senate Sessional Bulletins.

  2. Senate Sessions
       2.1. Senate sessions may convene at the Capitol or any other designated location.
       2.2. Discord Voting:
          2.2.1. Discord Voting may be used for legislation requiring quick action or when the Senate cannot convene in person.
          2.2.2. Trello Voting must be authorized by the President of the Senate or President Pro Tempore.


  1. Debate
       1.1. Debate on any legislative item shall be continuous unless limited by a proper motion passed by the Senate body. Debate shall not be infringed upon except through such a motion and debate may only be temporarily suspended through proper motion or by the presiding officer if in order to maintain decorum or the genuine safety of the session.
       1.2. Only the Senate body, through a formal and properly seconded motion, shall have the authority to limit the duration of debate.
       1.3. This rule shall not apply to confirmations or impeachment trials.

  2. Motion for Cloture
       2.1. If a motion for cloture is passed, debate shall immediately cease, and the Senate shall proceed to vote on the legislative item currently under consideration.
       2.2. If a motion for cloture fails, the legislative item shall be automatically considered tabled and may only be removed from the table by a subsequent proper motion.

SECTION V: Treaties and Declarations of War

  1. Treaty Consideration
       1.1. When a treaty is presented to the Senate, it shall be introduced by the Governor, who may provide remarks about the treaty.
       1.2. After the Governor’s presentation, the Senate shall enter into debate and proceed according to normal legislative procedures.

  2. Declaration of War Consideration
       2.1. When a declaration of war is presented to the Senate, it shall be introduced by the Governor, who may provide remarks regarding the declaration.
       2.2. After the Governor’s presentation, the Senate shall enter into debate and proceed according to normal legislative procedures.

SECTION VI: Floor Privilege

  1. Access to the Senate Floor
       1.1. Only the President of the Senate and Senators shall be permitted on the Senate floor during sessions, except for the following:
          1.1.1. The Governor.
          1.1.2. Members of the Cabinet and Sub-Cabinet.
          1.1.3. Judges of the Supreme Court.
          1.1.4. Former Senators and Senator Elects.
          1.1.5. Officers and employees of the Senate in the discharge of their duties.
          1.1.6. Former Clerks and Former Sergeants-at-Arms of the Senate.
          1.1.7. Members of the House of Representatives.
          1.1.8. Ambassadors, Foreign Ministers, and Foreign Heads of State.
          1.1.9. Invited citizens who will be yielded to during the discussion of a legislative item.

SECTION VII: Voting Procedure

  1. Voting on Questions
       1.1. When the ayes and nays are ordered, each Senator shall, without debate, declare his assent or dissent, or abstention to the question at hand, unless on a leave of absence from the Senate until the appropriate voting threshold has been reached or unable to be obtained.
       1.2. No Senator shall be permitted to vote after the decision has been announced by the Presiding Officer. However, a Senator may, for sufficient reasons, change or withdraw their vote before the announcement of the decision by discretion of the Presiding Officer.
       1.3. No motion to suspend this rule shall be in order, nor shall the Presiding Officer entertain any request to suspend it.

SECTION VIII: Decorum of the Chamber

  1. Attire and Appearance
       1.1. All individuals present on the Senate chamber floor shall be dressed in appropriate attire that is clean, well-tailored, conservative, and professional in appearance. Attire that is inflammatory, overly distracting, disrespectful to any person or group of individuals, or otherwise disruptive to Senate proceedings shall not be permitted.
       1.2. It shall be the responsibility of the Presiding Officer and the Sergeant at Arms, at the discretion of the Presiding Officer, to enforce this standard of attire.

  2. Orderliness and Civility
       2.1. All individuals within the chamber shall maintain order, act civilly, and refrain from any inflammatory or disruptive behavior during Senate proceedings.
       2.2. Any individual, excluding Senators on the floor, who fails to adhere to this standard shall be immediately removed from the Senate chamber. The individual will be restricted from reentering the chamber unless otherwise directed by the Presiding Officer.

  3. Authority of the Sergeant at Arms and Law Enforcement
       3.1. The Sergeant at Arms, along with any other law enforcement officers designated by the Presiding Officer, shall have full discretion and authority to maintain the decorum of the chamber in accordance with these rules.
       3.2. The Sergeant at Arms and designated law enforcement officers shall act under the direction of the Presiding Officer to ensure the smooth conduct of Senate proceedings.

SECTION IX: Impeachments, Expulsions, and Hearings, How Taken

  1. Impeachments
       1.1. Upon an impeachment being received from the House of Representatives and placed on the Docket of the Senate, it shall automatically receive High Priority.
       1.2 Impeachments of any government official by the Senate shall have a set of rules for the trial as prescribed by “The Improved Impeachments Resolution of 2022.”
       1.3 Impeachments that are not required to be presided over by another individual by law shall always be presided over by the Lieutenant Governor, unless exigent circumstances are present which would prevent the Lieutenant Governor from doing so.
       1.4 Impeachments of the Lieutenant Governor shall be presided over by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate. The Lieutenant Governor should not in any case preside at all over their trial. If the President Pro Tempore is unable to host such a trial, the President of the Senate shall elect to appoint another Senator to host the trial.

SECTION X: Confirmations, How Taken

  1. Nominations how Recieved
          1.1. The Governor of the State of Firestone, when making a nomination, shall be expected to add the card of the nomination to the Docket of the Senate.
          1.1.1. A nomination from the Governor may not be received in any other way, unless absolutely necessary, as prescribed by the President of the
    Senate. A nomination may not be heard before the Senate unless it is
    received in accordance with these Rules.
       1.2. Should a nomination for a position lawfully exist, for whatever reason, that is not a nomination from the Governor, the nomination may be added by the President of the Senate or the President Pro Tempore.

  2. Confirmation Hearings
       2.1. When a nomination is received, the respective candidate up for nomination shall have the opportunity to be heard in Session.
          2.1.1. Nominees shall have no less than 5 minutes allocated by the Presiding Officer of this Session to present a speech or otherwise, as they deem fit. The Senate may vote to immediately yield this time should it be deemed proper.
          2.1.2. Nominees shall have the opportunity to fully answer any questions asked by Senators at their hearing. The Presiding Officer may dictate how long they shall have to answer each question, however a reasonable amount of time for the nominee to answer the question earnestly shall be
    provided- as should reasonable time be provided for Senators to
       2.2. Should the nomination be heard and voted on by Trello, or should the nominee not be able to attend a Session, they may create a speech to be heard by the Senate, prior to a vote being held.

  3. Expulsions
       2.1. Expulsions presented shall receive High Priority on the Docket of the Senate.
          2.2. Expulsions, when heard, shall afford the following privileges to those accused;
             2.2.1. The privilege to provide a defense
             2.2.2. The privilege to answer questions, should they be asked
       2.3. Such privileges shall not always exist, should the Senator being expelled attempt to abuse these privileges, the Presiding Officer may yield the Senator’s time to the floor, and voting procedure shall proceed as normal.
       2.4. Such privileges shall only exist when the Senator is complying with Senate rules and is actively attempting to exercise them. Should the Senator actively try and avoid a Session or otherwise hinder their expulsion hearing, the privileges provided them shall be yielded.
       2.5. An active attempt to allow the Senator to exercise the privileges given above shall be made by the Presiding Officer of the Session.

SECTION X: Execution of the Standing Rules

  1. Overriding the Standing Rules
       1.1. In exceptional circumstances, the Senate may override the standing rules. This shall only occur during a session and must be approved by the Presiding Officer.
       1.2. The override must pass with a â…” majority vote and be documented in the Sessional Bulletin.
       1.3. The override shall only last the duration of the session of which it was approved within.

  2. Enactment of the Standing Rules
       2.1. These Standing Rules shall be in effect for the duration of the Congressional term and will continue to be in effect until the Senate votes on whether to continue or cease their effectiveness

  3. Severability
       3.1. Should any part of these Standing Rules be declared unconstitutional, the remaining provisions shall remain effective.

  4. Definitions
       4.1. “May” implies a potential action.
       4.2. “Shall” implies a required action.
       4.3. “President of the Senate” refers to the Lieutenant Governor.
       4.4. “Presiding Officer” refers to the Lieutenant Governor or the designated Senator presiding over a session.
       4.5. “Standing Rules” refers to this document and all amendments or additions.
       4.6. “Chamber” refers to the location of a Senate session.

President pro tempore sharkfish82

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