A Joint Resolution to Further Committees

A Joint Resolution to Further Committees


SECTION 1: All committee members of any officially recognized Congressional committee shall be appointed by their respective chamber chair. Meaning, the Speaker of the House and Lieutenant Governor- hereinafter referred to as ‘officers’ or ‘the chair’- shall be required to appoint Congresspeople into committees within their chamber recognized by Congress- the ‘chamber’ hereinafter shall be recognized as the body of Congress in which the Congressperson resides, unless explicitly stated. The Speaker of the House shall not appoint members to fill Senate committee seats and the Lieutenant Governor shall not appoint members to fill House committee seats. Such officers may appoint a member of their respective chamber to fulfil these obligations as they so please- however such power can be redirected back to the chair by resolution.

SECTION 1A: Such officers shall have the power to elect committee members by whatever means they deem plausible- however it shall be their responsibility to keep each committee staffed in accordance with recognized committee seat requirements.

SECTION 1B: Such officers shall not knowingly restrict the appointment of committee members if their respective chamber hosts a sufficient amount of suitable candidates for positions on the respective committee. If such officer reasonably fails to appoint such committee members, the chamber may, at their discretion, declare via resolution persons(s) to be appointed to a committee.

SECTION 2: All committee members shall be permitted to motion to expel specific person(s) from their respective committee. Such motion shall require a 2/3 majority in favor of such motion- rather than being required to pass expulsions in front of the entire chamber- however such expulsions may still be presented. If such motion passes, the individual should effectively be removed from the committee in which the motion passed. Committees shall not be able to remove person(s) not in their committee.

Respectfully submitted to the Congress of the State of Firestone,


President Pro Tempore Hecxtro

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