A Bill to Recognize Maritime Crimes

A Bill to Recognize Maritime Crimes


SECTION 1: The following acts shall be considered crimes in the State of Firestone: Maritime Piracy, Unauthorized Entry, Smuggling, Illegal Carrying of Weapons, Sailing in Unauthorized Areas, Fishing in Unauthorized Areas, Human Trafficking.

SECTION 2: Of these crimes, the following will be felony crimes: Maritime Piracy, Unauthorized Entry, Illegal Carrying of Weapons, Human Trafficking.

SECTION 3: Of these crimes, the following will be misdemeanor crimes: Smuggling, Sailing in Unauthorized Areas, Fishing in Unauthorized Areas.

SECTION 4: The crime of Maritime Piracy shall be defined as: the act of boarding a waterway vessel and holding the captain and possible crew as hostage for a specific goal.

SECTION 4A: The crime of Unauthorized Entry shall be defined as: the act of entering a different government’s waters without authorization from said government.

SECTION 4B: The crime of Smuggling shall be defined as: the act of shipping any sort of resource illegally that is not weaponry or another individual’s life.

SECTION 4C: The crime of Illegal Carrying of Weapons shall be defined as: the act of carrying cargo of any sort of weapon that is deemed illegal in the State of Firestone in Firestone waters.

SECTION 4D: The crime of Sailing in Unauthorized Areas shall be defined as: the act of purposeful sailing in waters that are deemed by the Firestone government off-limits to civilian use.

SECTION 4E: The crime of Fishing in Unauthorized Areas shall be defined as: the act of purposeful fishing in areas (both land and water) that are deemed by the Firestone government off-limits to civilian use.

SECTION 4F: The crime of Human Trafficking shall be defined as: the act of smuggling human life on board a shipping vessel who are not registered citizens of the State of Firestone with the intent to deliver them to the state illegally.

SECTION 5: Cities within the County(ies) of Firestone shall have the right reserved to them to determine what is considered their waters. Should these waters cut into another city(ies) waters, the Firestone Supreme Court may get involved to make a proper ruling on municipal waterways.

SECTION 6: Upon passing both chambers of the State of Firestone Congress, this legislation shall go into effect immediately.

SECTION 7: All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.

Respectfully submitted to the State of Firestone Congress,

Chief Sponsor: Representative LordKurloz

Co-Sponsor: Senator OfficerVideoGame

Co-Sponsor: Representative King_Splxsh

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