A bill to Amend “Unlawfully Brandishing a Firearm"

A bill to Amend “Unlawfully Brandishing a Firearm"


SECTION 1: A bill to Amend “Unlawfully Brandising a Firearm” shall be amended.

SECTION 1A: “Unlawfully Brandishing a Firearm” shall be defined as: https://trello.com/c/gKBadnOl/44-4-unlawfully-brandishing-a-firearm

SECTION 2A: Unlawfully Brandishing a Firearm currently states:
(a) The act of unlawfully brandishing a firearm shall be recognized as an unlawful criminal offense within the State of Firestone.

(a1) The act of unlawfully brandishing a firearm shall be the act of displaying one’s firearm, in an attempt to threaten or intimidate another person, or as a result of negligence in the proper or lawful handling of firearms- without proper justification to do so, as prescribed by this Code.

(b) Law enforcement personnel on duty shall be exempt from this Section.

SECTION 2B: Unlawfully Brandishing a Firearm shall now state:

(a) The act of unlawfully brandishing a firearm shall be recognized as an unlawful criminal offense within the State of Firestone.

(a1) The act of unlawfully brandishing a firearm shall be the act of displaying one’s firearm, in an attempt to threaten or intimidate another person, or as a result of negligence in the proper or lawful handling of firearms- without proper justification to do so, as prescribed by this Code.

(b) Law enforcement personnel on duty shall be exempt from this Section.

(c) The Secretary of the Department of Commerce may authorize (by writing) the owner of a business to exempt certain employees and contractors from this offense while on-duty (wearing clothing authorized by the business owner) on the property of the business, the property shall have a clear, specified boundary between the property in question and public property.

SECTION 3: This Bill shall go into effect as an Act of Congress upon the completion of the constitutionally required processes.

Respectfully submitted to the Congress of State of the Firestone,


The Honorable Representative crankyIuke (Author)
Right Honourable Lieutenant Governor Ash1835 (Co-Author)

The Right & Honorable Senator scriblelz, Owner of scriblelz Animal Food & Co, Firestone Metro State Security scriblelz
Senator colorful_parrots
Speaker of the House ADMIRAL_RICKY
The Honorable Representative Baconman1399
Representative Hmmm_Poul
Representative AlexTheAviatorRBLX
Senator e6thn
FBC Director Cuxle
Capital Gas President Faachiano
Honorable Citizen connor8033
Prominence Councilman Noobsiance
Business Owner bearzno
Operative VenenoSt0rm
Citizen Sid_552
Business Representative BraddahLL
Business Executive masc_n
Business Representative zobie126
Deputy FederalLawRBLX
Citizen aviationairlines346


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