A Bill to Amend Impersonation Exemptions


November 11, 2022

A Bill to Amend Impersonation Exemptions

         Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Firestone in Congress assembled,


    (a) Chapter 1, Section 5c, of the Firestone Criminal Code currently states, “No honorably discharged veteran of the Firestone National Guard may be charged from this section for (1) wearing their Class A or Class B uniform (2) any awards they received during active service. For this purpose of this Section, honorably discharged shall be defined as being listed under the Trello list named “Honorable Discharges” on the FNG | Administration Board.”

    (b) Chapter 1, Section 5c, of the Firestone Criminal Code shall be amended and state, “No honorably discharged veteran of the Firestone National Guard may be charged from this section for (1) wearing their Class A or Class B uniform (2) any awards they received during active service. For this purpose of this Section, honorably discharged shall be defined as being listed in an honorably discharged members list, that is designated by the Firestone National Guard Major General.


    (a) Chapter 1, Section 5d, of the Firestone Criminal Code shall be created and state, “Any person given approval by the Secretary of Homeland Security shall be exempt from any criminal liability under this section arising from wearing a uniform of the Department of Homeland Security that the person was previously entitled to, while attending, or traveling to or from an event approved by the Secretary of Homeland Security."


    (a) This Bill shall go into effect as an Act of Congress upon completing the processes constitutionally required.

    (b) On December 1st, 2022, Chapter 1, Section 5d of the Firestone Criminal Code shall be repealed and declared null and void.


    (a) Should any part of this act be struck down and/or declared unenforceable, then that part shall be severed with the rest remaining in full force and effect unless all is struck down and/or declared unenforceable.

Chief Sponsors:

L_3ee, Speaker of the House
Mega_Goalie16, Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security


Slee_20, Federal Protective Service Chief
xM_inn, Secret Service Captain
FidelityWarrior, Crisis Response Team Sergeant
Airboeing747, Secret Service Sergeant
Richie_Bear, Former Homeland Security Secretary
IceyTrigger, Former Homeland Security Secretary
Bjohn323, Former Intelligence Office Chief
Flam_ed, Former Federal Protective Service Chief
samfambam, Former Secret Service Director
soup_man1, Former Federal Protective Service Sergeant
SeanCityNavy, Former Secret Service Agent
mynictrc, Former Secret Service Agent*
CaptainCrosslay, Former Federal Protective Service Senior Officer
itzLegha, Former Secret Service Agent
itworks11, Former Secret Service Agent
weirdo25, Former Secret Service Agent

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