A Bill to Amend "Congressional Government Oversight Committee Formation Act"


SECTION I: The Congressional Government Oversight Committee Formation Act shall be hereby amended.

SECTION II: SECTION III of the Congressional Government Oversight Committee Formation Act currently states:

“The Congressional Government Oversight Committee shall contain twelve members in total. There shall be five members from the House of Representatives, five members from the Senate, a Scribe, and a Chairman/Chairwoman. The Chairman/Chairwoman must be elected by the members of the Congressional Government Oversight Committee. The Speaker of the House, Lieutenant Governor, or Governor has the ability to host elections for Chairman/Chairwoman. Once a Chairman/Chairwoman is elected, the chamber that the Chairman/Chairwoman was apart of shall elect another member from the chamber to fill that vacancy. No one shall host elections for Chairman if they are a candidate themselves.”

SECTION III: SECTION III of the Congressional Government Oversight Committee Formation Act shall now state:

“The Congressional Government Oversight Committee shall contain twelve members in total. There shall be five members from the House of Representatives, five members from the Senate, a Scribe, and a Chairman/Chairwoman. The Chairman/Chairwoman must be elected by the members of the Congressional Government Oversight Committee. The Speaker of the House, Lieutenant Governor, or Governor has the ability to host elections for Chairman/Chairwoman. Once a Chairman/Chairwoman is elected, the chamber that the Chairman/Chairwoman was apart of shall elect another member from the chamber to fill that vacancy. No one shall host elections for Chairman if they are a candidate themselves. Any member of the Congressional Government Oversight Committee can propose an expulsion of any member in the Congressional Government Oversight Committee, excluding the scribe and including the Chairman/Chairwoman. The Chairman/Chairwoman of the Congressional Government Oversight Committee shall not have the power to veto or in any other way remove the proposed expulsion. The entire Congressional Government Oversight Committee, excluding the individual in which the expulsion is directed to, shall vote on it, and must pass it with more than ½ of votes in favor. Should the expulsion pass, the member the expulsion is directed to shall be immediately removed from the Congressional Government Oversight Committee.”

SECTION IV: The members of the Congressional Government Oversight Committee shall enforce this bill.

Respectfully submitted to the Firestone State Legislature,

Senator JamesDitomosso,
Author, Chief-Sponsor


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