Careers and Employment Act


A Bill to re-establish the provisions of employment positions; to allow the FBI to maintain candidates; to allow SCFD to maintain employees; to update legislation to reflect actual practice; to codify regulations entrances to elected office; to prevent excessive position holding


SECTION 1: Only Citizens of the State of Firestone may hold any Position prescribed by this Act or other state, county, or municipal law.

SECTION 2: Citizens shall, at any time, hold no more than one Primary Position and two Secondary Positions. There shall be no limit on the number of Voluntary Positions a Citizen can hold.

SECTION 3: A Citizen may, irrespective of Positions, only hold one of the following offices at any time:

(i) Governor
(ii) Lieutenant Governor
(iii) Chief Court Justice
(iv) Cabinet Member
(v) Sub-Cabinet Member
(vi) Representative
(vii) Senator
(viii) County Executive
(ix) County Council Chair

SECTION 4: Employment in any of the following shall be considered a Primary Position, unless explicitly stated otherwise:

(i) Firestone State Patrol
(ii) Firestone Department of Homeland Security
(iii) Firestone Bureau of Investigations
(iv) Stapleton County Fire Department
(v) Stapleton County Sheriff’s Office

SECTION 5: Employment in any of the following shall be considered a Secondary Position unless explicitly stated otherwise:

(i) Firestone Department of Health
(ii) Firestone Department of Justice
(iii) Firestone Department of Transportation
(iv) Firestone Department of Public Works
(v) Firestone Department of Corrections
(vi) Firestone Department of Public Safety
(vii) Firestone Park Service

SECTION 6: Employment in any of the following shall be considered a Voluntary Position, unless explicitly stated otherwise:

(i) Firestone Department of State
(ii) Firestone Department of Boating and Waterways
(iii) Firestone Peace Officer Standards and Training
(iv) Firestone Fire Academy
(v) Firestone Department of Commerce
(vi) Firestone National Guard
(vii) Firestone Department of Aviation

SECTION 7: The following positions shall be additionally recognized as a Primary Position:

(i) Governor
(ii) Lieutenant Governor
(iii) Chief Court Justice
(iv) Senator
(v) Representative, including the Speaker of the House
(vi) County Executive
(vii) Judges and Justices of any Circuit

SECTION 8: The following positions shall be additionally recognized as a Secondary Position:

(i) County Council
(ii) Municipal Mayor

SECTION 9: Any Position that is not expressly assigned as a Primary or Secondary Position shall be considered a Voluntary Position under this Act.

SECTION 10A: Employees of the Stapleton County Fire Department who hold the rank of “Firefighter”, “Paramedic”, or “Candidate” shall be considered to be holding a Secondary Position.

SECTION 10B: Should an employee of the Stapleton County Fire Department hold the rank of “Administrative Leave” but were immediately previously ranked “Firefighter”, “Paramedic”, or “Candidate”, they shall be considered to be holding a Secondary Position.

SECTION 11A: Cabinet or Sub-Cabinet members shall be recognised as occupying a Position identical to that of the department they direct. For instance, the department head of a Primary department shall be recognised as occupying a Primary position.

SECTION 11B: Cabinet or Sub-Cabinet members that do not any direct department shall be recognized as holding a Voluntary Position.

SECTION 11C: An individual shall not hold the Cabinet or Sub-Cabinet Position to more than one department.

SECTION 12A: The following acts, and any subsequent amendments, shall be considered null and void:

(i) Employment Positions Act of 2019 (REVISED)
(ii) An Act to Allow the FBI to Maintain Candidates
(iii) A Bill to Amend the FBI Candidates Act
(iv) A Bill to Make The Department of Aviation Voluntary
(v) A Bill to Legally Make SCFD a Secondary Department

SECTION 12B: Section 5.3 of Department of Boating and Waterways Re-establishment Act shall be repealed.

SECTION 12C: Section 4(a) of An Act to Establish the Firestone Department of Aviation shall be repealed.

SECTION 13A: Serving as a “Candidate” within the Firestone Bureau of Investigations shall not be construed as being a Law Enforcement Officer. Candidate(s) shall not conduct arrests, issue citations, or make detainments, unless granted authorisation to do so by an individual ranked “Special Agent” or above in the Firestone Bureau of Investigations group.

SECTION 13B: For the purposes of this Act, serving as a “Candidate” within the Firestone Bureau of Investigations shall be construed as a Voluntary Position.

SECTION 14: Former Positions shall not, in any way, be reflective of the number of occupancy of a Citizen’s Positions.

SECTION 15: Ranks within the State of Firestone or any other group, server, etc. shall not be legally binding, and the holding of any position shall be considered to only be lawful if the individual lawfully and/or constitutionally holds their Position.

(i) For instance, a citizen ranked Senator in the State of Firestone group is not to be officially recognized as a Senator unless they were elected as per the Constitution.

SECTION 16: Should an individual enter a Position, but they are at the maximum for that type of Position, they must resign from a Position within 48 hours or they will automatically forfeit the Position they entered.

SECTION 17: Should any part of this Act be declared unconstitutional or otherwise struck down, the rest shall remain in effect unless all is struck down or declared unconstitutional.

SECTION 18: This Bill shall go into effect as an Act of Congress 24 hours after completing the constitutionally required processes to provide departments and government with ample time to prepare accordingly.

Respectfully submitted to the State of Firestone Congress.

Chief Sponsors:
Lieutenant Governor Hecxtro
Representative abmzly

Senator Zeyahne


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