1. Driving while cuffed 2. Exiting vehicle while cuffed 3. Walk faster after sprinting while cuffed 4. Driving LEO Vehicles on CIV

The Problem:

  1. You’re able to drive while handcuffed
  2. You are able to stand up from a seat while cuffed (Ex: LEO Vehicle)
  3. If you are cuffed, you walk slowly. If you sprint and then stop sprinting, you walk the normal speed instead of cuff speed.
  4. You are able to drive LEO vehicles (FSP from the test)

Expected Result:

  1. You shouldn’t be able to start driving while cuffed. Or at least be limited to minimal speeds.
  2. You should have to be let out by someone with access or another person, as to not allow handcuffed criminals to easily escape.
  3. The speed should be the same as before sprinting, or limit sprinting speed and walk speed after sprinting.
  4. You shouldn’t be able to drive the LEO vehicle at all. (Get kicked out or unable to sit.)

Reproduction Steps:

  1. Get handcuffed and then get into your vehicle. Proceed to drive
  2. Get handcuffed and either force sat into the LEO vehicle, sit in it yourself, or sit in any vehicle.
    Update - Not sure why but it won’t work anymore.
  3. Get handcuffed and walk. You walk slower, right? Tap sprint and then look how fast you walk. Faster than before.
  4. Get Cuffed and attempt to enter LEO vehicle. (May be after being cuffed different times, or just randomly works. Likely group script not working right. Before I was forced out of the vehicle automatically)

1/2. https://gyazo.com/f5e691b119cdceda28f251fbe283c9c8
3. https://gyazo.com/5d26365f5c1e864759a7a6b2894e80df
4. https://prnt.sc/rt7vyy


Fixed in next update